More Than $11,000 Awarded Overall Winners In Multi-Division Flint Hills Beef Fest Competitions

Down the Draw


Flint Hills grasslands have again proven the most cost efficient to produce pounds of beef.
Overall results from the Flint Hills Beef Fest have been announced by Lisa Stueve, committee member.
Flint Hills Beef Fest is coordinated by volunteers promoting the grass cattle industry for which the Flint Hills is known, Stueve said.
As one of the last remaining native tall grass prairies in America, cattlemen have preserved the native grassland through cattle grazing management, Stueve pointed out.
An entire Emporia area affair, the Flint Hills Beef Fest has two-part competitions with winners now announced from all divisions receiving more than a total of $11,000 in prize money.
Steers entered by Putman Farm, Emporia, and heifers owned by Anderson Ranch, Alma, won the overall gain contest as part of the 2022 Flint Hills Beef Fest feedlot and carcass awards.
Steers from Putman Farm gained 3.94 pounds per day from the time they went on grass in April 2022 until harvest from the feedlot on January 3, 2023. The Anderson Ranch heifers gained 4.12 pounds per day.
Top-ranking Putman steers were first place in the feedlot contest, with an average daily gain of 4.89 pounds. In second place were steers from Spring Creek Ranch of Cassoday.
Steer carcass contest was won by the entry from Woodbury Farms of Quenemo. Second place was awarded to cattle owned by Plum Creek Ranch of Neosho Rapids.
In the heifer division, the winning pen from Anderson Ranch gained 4.77 pounds per day in the feedlot contest. Cattle owned by John, Heather, and Andrew Sigle of Wilsey finished second.
Entries from Loomis Ranch of Council Grove took both first and second place in the heifer carcass contest.
Winners from first portion of the competitions were announced during August.
Meats Land & Cattle Company of LeRoy was the best of grass and show steers winner.
Anderson Ranch was the grass division winner with their steers gaining 2.621 pounds per day.
Meats Farms also of LeRoy won the grandstand judging in the steer division.
Arndt Farms, Emporia, had the best of grass and show winner in the heifer division.
Fredonia Livestock Auction’s heifer entry won the grassland division gaining 2.647 pounds a day.
Mark and Hanna Anderson of Alma entered the grandstand division winning heifers.
The Pres White Award for heifers was presented to Wes Cahoone and Lee Glanville of Cottonwood Falls. Their heifers placed fourth in the grass futurity, fifth in the live show, fifth in the feedlot, and eighth in the carcass contest.
The Olma Peak Award for steers was presented to Jim and Donna Bates of Galesburg. Their steers placed second in the grass futurity, fifth in the live show, 14th in the feedlot, and sixth in the carcass contest.

Jim and Donna Bates with their grandson Bo from Galesburg were presented the Olma Peak Award for steers at the Flint Hills Beef Fest recognition presentations by Scott Jones, committee member. (Flint Hills Beef Fest photo)

Cottonwood Falls cattlemen Lee Glanville (left) and Wes Cahoone (right) were presented the Pres White Award for heifers at the Flint Hills Beef Fest banquet by Scott Jones, committee member. (Flint Hill Beef Fest photo)

Representing the Loomis Ranch of Council Grove, Jason Loomis and Justin Loomis with daughter Jessie received awards for both the first and second place entries in the heifer division of carcass competition at the Flint Hills Beef Fest. (Flint Hills Beef Fest photo)

Julia and Matt Anderson representing the Anderson Ranch at Alma received awards for the overall high gaining heifers as well as the first-place heifers in the feedlot division of the Flint Hills Beef Fest. (Flint Hills Beef Fest photo)

First place feedlot steers and overall steer gain awards were presented to Dale and Judy Putnam of Putnam Farms at the Flint Hills Beef Fest banquet presentations. (Flint Hills Beef Fest photo)

John Woodbury, Quenemo, received the first-place steer carcass award from committee member Scott Jones at the Flint Hills Beef Fest banquet. (Flint Hills Beef Fest photo




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