Family’s Insights For Journey In Faith Through Devotional Book

Down the Draw


“May we be bold to share our testimonies and encourage everyone to run the race with perseverance and humility.”
Tammy Thurman summarizes “A Faith That Stands” in preface of the book she’s compiled with family members.
“It is a daily devotional or small-group study with multigenerational insights for your faith journey,” Thurman described.
Divided into 12 monthly chapters, there are six “stories” for each week concluded with “reflections” questions.
Majority of the “lessons” within each story are from Thurman’s personal experiences. Straightforward, she shares her life’s wrongdoings, challenges, and joyful times as they correlate directly to Bible scripture.
While Thurman’s own encounters seem to “stand apart,” her closeknit family members’ “lessons” bring more special meaning to the writing.
The book is dedicated to her dad. “He will aways be an example to me of God’s amazing ability to transform a person at any age,” Thurman said. Turbulent early childhood family times are briefly discussed with reprieve eventually coming through God’s word and guidance.
Not a quick read, the book is most impacting when used for a devotional as intended over a year’s time. While it has merit for group reading and reflection, the compilation might have greatest significance in a family setting.
In the 387-pages book four words; humility, patience, perseverance, and above all faith combine to be God’s simplified complex directions.
Admitting humility is sometimes difficult for her, Thurman received guidance from Philippians 2:3. “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves. Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”
Waiting patiently is a form of endurance, Thurman insisted. “So often I am tempted to complain or worry when I am waiting for an answer to something. We should consider it a joy to wait for God’s purpose because He does not waste time.”
James 1:2. “So be patient for when your endurance is fully developed you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”
Coronavirus challenged the world to prioritize lives, reevaluated family time, education, work, activities, and church, Thurman said. “Yet it also gave opportunities for Christians to persevere, soldier up, and pray.”
James 1:4: “Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
Many people have a faith story to tell. “I stand in awe of God’s faithfulness to them. Their struggles inspire me to continue my own faith journey as a Christian,” Thurman said.
Hebrews 10:23: Let us hold tightly without wavering faith hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.”
Additional “words” title monthly devotional chapters. They emphasize forgiveness, grace, kindness, self-control, wisdom, truth, trust, purpose, selflessness, generosity, peace, contentment, gratefulness, spirituality, and worship. To each “word,” Thurman responds with “a faith that stands.”
In this world, people will feel disappointed, hurt, or betrayed by others, yet “a faith that stands produces forgiveness,” Thurman said. “When pressures are high our responses are not always as they should be. To whom much is given, much is required.
“Our life’s example speaks louder than our words, but our personal testimony puts the exclamation point on our action,” Thurman insisted. “I want to have a faith that stands and is unwavering. Leave a legacy for generations to come, standing the test of time, never to be shaken.
“Today when God’s word is misrepresented and watered down, the Bible with Jesus Christ is our only hope,” Thurman declared.
A diversely talented musician, Tammy Thurman, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has piano performance degrees and served many years as a worship leader. There’s more about the author at
“A Faith That Stands” was published by WestBow Press and can be acquired in various forms on the internet. Additional details are available from the book promoter Chris Lopez at Lavidge (L A V I D G E) in Phoenix, Arizona, [email protected].

Frank J. Buchman
Alta Vista, Kansas

“A Faith That Stands” is a book written as a daily devotional or small-group study with multigenerational insights for a “faith journey.”
A diversely talented musician, Tammy Thurman, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has piano performance degrees and served many years as a worship leader. She is author of the book “A Faith That Stands.”


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