Christmas Is An Important Birthday Party

Down the Draw


“Remember the reason for the season.”
The comment has often been repeated, but in reality, who has given much thought to what it means?
Christmas is supposed to be a birthday party celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, savior of the human race. That is readily forgotten by way too many, and more concerning not even known by perhaps the majority.
Oh, there are plenty of parties this time of year for enjoyment, relaxation, often excess carousing. Gifts are given and received creating appreciation, twinkling eyes especially of the little ones and usually everyone attending.
Yet, at how many of those fun times is there ever consideration of why the family and friends are together. How many said a prayer before a meal, or during the affair? Were there any Christmas carols sang about reason for the season?
Of course, there’s discussions involving Santa Claus. They’re really unimportant unless knowing about Saint Nicolas, who the fairytale character is fashioned after.
Decorations in the community and homes are bright giving all feeling of joy, but little about the real birthday party.
How many churches displayed public nativity scenes this year? Were there any nativities set up in homes beside Christmas trees and stockings hung on the chimney with care?
Not that long ago, manger scenes were common during the Christmas season. Today they have often become a political issue and target of attack against Christianity.
Court cases and laws demanding the elimination of nativity displays seem an attempt to remove Christ Himself. Still, they cannot erase impact of Jesus’ life.
Humble setting of the baby in a manger doesn’t adequately convey significance of the most important birth in human history.
Mary’s newborn was God, Creator, Pre-eminent One, Sustainer, and Firstborn from the dead through resurrection.
Christmas is not about presents, eating, or fun, but about the coming of the Savior. Without the baby in the manger, there would be no cross, no resurrection, and no hope for eternal life.
Even a small child can understand and respond in faith to Christ’s offer of the gift of eternal life. Yet it’s beyond comprehension.
Reminded of Colossians 1:18: “Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. He is before all things, in Him all things hold together, first place in everything.”

Area churches host live nativities for Christmas, Jesus’ birthday party.


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