Champions Receive Additional Awards With Completion Of Pro Rodeo Series


By Frank J. Buchman

Winners in the Eastern Kansas Pro Rodeo Series were determined with completion of the Eureka Pro Rodeo, according to John Teagarden, La Cygne,

The Eastern Kansas Rodeo Series  is a coalition between the Inter-State Fair & Rodeo, Coffeyville; Linn County Fair & Rodeo, Mound City; and the Eureka Pro Rodeo Association, Eureka, said Teagarden of the Linn County  group

“Goal of the series is a joint effort to raise awareness of the three rodeos among contestants and spectators with the primary purpose of increasing both entries and attendance,”  Teagarden explained.  

The rodeo associations annually produce the three largest professional rodeos in eastern Kansas

Collectively, there were nine Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) performances in a 12-day period, August 10-21.

“PRCA rodeo contestants from 11 states competed at all three rodeos to remain eligible for series awards,” Teagarden verified.

Bull rider Guthrie Murray, Miami, Okla., dominated his event by winning first at Coffeyville and both performances of the two go-round Eureka rodeo.

Brothers Trell and Shade Etbauer, Goodwell, Okla., had success in their events at the three-rodeo series.

Trell Etbauer won the first go-round tie down roping at Eureka and placed second in the second go-round, plus picked up points at Mound City and Coffeyville to be named champion in the calf roping event. He also tied with Mitchell Gardner, Dover, Okla., for runner-up in the series steer wrestling.

Shade Etbauer was named series champion saddle bronc rider with a second place finish at Mound City and was first in the first go-round at Eureka.

“Trell and Shade are second generation members of the famed Etbauer rodeo family that includes their father Robert and uncles Billy and Dan,” Teagarden pointed out.

The senior Etbauers collectively have seven PRCA World Championships and have more than 40 National Finals Rodeo (NFR) qualifications, all in saddle bronc riding.

Jeanne Anderson, White City,  won the series barrel racing championship with consistent placings of fourth at Mound City and second and third place go-round finishes at Eureka.

Eastern Kansas Rodeo Series winners:

Bareback Bronc Riding: Champion, Tyler Berghuis, Stephenville, Texas; runner-up, Zach Hibler, Wheeler, Texas.

Saddle Bronc Riding: Champion, Shade Etbauer; runner-up, Blaine Stacy, Delaware, Okla.

Bull Riding: Champion,  Murray; runner-up, Tyler Stoltz, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Steer Wrestling: Champion, Jeff Miller, Blue Mound;  tie for runner-up, Trell Etbauer, and Gardner.

Tie Down Roping: Champion, Trell Etbauer; runner-up, Jared Kempker, Eugene, Mo.

Team Roping: Champion, Ryan Von Ahn, Sac City, Iowa, and J.W. Beck, Moville, Iowa; runners-up: Hunter Munsell, Arnett, Okla., and Austin Rodgers, Crescent, Okla.

Barrel Racing: Champion, Anderson; runner-up, Tracy Nowlin, Nowata, Okla.

Series event winners received a Maynard Trophy Buckle. Runner-up winners in each of the seven events were awarded an engraved Moore Maker Knife.

The Eastern Kansas Rodeo Series was sponsored by the three hosting rodeo committees plus area businesses including ADM Animal Nutrition, Better Horses Radio and Steve Richard, southeast Kansas district manager for Berry Tractor and Equipment Company.


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