Agriculture Outlook, Management Advice Set For Farm Profit Conference At Randolph


By Frank J. Buchman

Commodity prices received by farmers and ranchers have dropped significantly in the past year making all wonder just where their future in agriculture is headed.

Panelists will present their analysis of that serious concern during the Farm Profit Conference next week at Randolph.

“Understanding the dilemma faced by our industry, the program, Tuesday evening, Feb. 8, at Blue Valley High School, has three speakers closely tied to helping producers manage their operations in the uncertain times ahead,” according to Kelly Lenz, longtime 580 WIBW farm director and program coordinator.

Planned in cooperation with the Riley County Extension Service, the informational session will begin when doors open at 5:30, for the more than 200 expected attendees to visit the two dozen-plus sponsors’ displays of their offerings.

There’ll be a complimentary bountiful, farmer-rancher beef and potatoes supper with all the trimmings supper at 6 o’clock. Advance reservations are asked, so there’ll be plenty to go around and maybe seconds for some.

Nothing anybody can do to change the weather, yet climatic conditions have a direct impact on all phases of agriculture profitability. Thus, producers want to get a feel for what the conditions might be in order to manage their operations accordingly as best can be.

To provide that insight, opening speaker on the Randolph program, at about 6:45, will be Mary Knapp, assistant state climatologist from Kansas State University, presenting “The 2016 Weather Outlook.”

As commodities have deteriorated in price, fuel prices have remained below earlier levels while interest rates are all-time lows creating a farm-ranch situation never seen before.

Attempting to clarify what’s happened, what could occur and provide thoughts on management changes that might assist in keeping operations profitable, Dr. Mykel Taylor, assistant professor in farm management at K-State, will review “The Kansas Farm Economy.”

Always a highlight of the Farm Profit Conferences for his energetic, straight-forward discussions is Darrell Holaday of Country Futures at Frankfort, who will  attempt to answer the question: “Where Are The Markets Are Headed?”

Supper count is due by noon, March 7, and must be made to the Riley County Extension Office, 785-537-6350, online, or email [email protected].

Attendance filled auditorium seating for the first two Farm Profit Conferences hosted by 580 WIBW this year, at Oskaloosa and Madison, with early interest indicating the Randolph program could set records.

Sponsorships are still available for that upcoming program as well as the concluding Farm Profit Conference set for Garnett on March 23, by calling Frank J. Buchman at 785-228-7259, or emailing [email protected].


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