A Cowboy’s Faith: The Most Heartfelt Assistance


By Frank J. Buchman

“Cowboys and cowgirls help one of their own.”

There’ve been sarcastic remarks about contestants doing whatever it takes to beat the opponent.

That might be true in certain sports and work environments. It may even occur somewhere in the horse world, but that’s sure not the case in several horseshow circuits.

Some might claim it’s due to seniority, maturity, being an old cowboy. While perhaps occasional indication of such, everybody is always eager to help another.

From wishing good luck, to congratulatory comment, to sympathetic understanding, to advice, to helping hand, whatever, congeniality is forever present.

Most fortunate it is as assistance has been sought increasingly throughout the season.

Outstanding speed event mounts want to do their best every out. Like with athletes in many fields, anticipating nerves create tension expressed in various ways.

Cody rides like a stock horse pleasure winner in the pasture, and warming up in competition pen.

Third sense takes ahold when it’s run time becoming extremely cautious about entering the arena.

Without request, help is immediately provided from fellow contestants, gatekeepers, even bystanders. That’s from coaxing to driving to leading from the ground or horseback into the course so the race begins.

No matter the time and experience working with horses, things are still done with poor judgement, being plain dumb.

Caring horseshow friends granted most gracious support to every degree when Maggie, rider just mounting, went over backwards.

Handler error admitted; with no blame whatsoever to the smart horse. Still, hard landing made imagined throb slowing movement, while damage was real to the horn-broken saddle.

Genuinely concerned aid came unyielding. First were several offers of various pain pills, with recommendations as broad as the kinds.

“Don’t take too many,” said one. “Take twice the dosage to get best results,” another advised.

Consuming a couple kinds in more quantity than fine print suggestion had some positive results. Then, the racing opponent offered an aerosol spray-on: “Cold, and Hot.”

Combined drugs, necessary walking and jogging still created psychological flinch. Yet, unnoticeable gimp as the judge awarded halter classes’ blues.

Another spray job with three more pills, late day lead back race second best. Wimping even afterwards, having such great horse friends most appreciated.

Reminded of First Timothy 6:18: “To be rich, help others, building a treasury that is truly gaining life.”







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