A Cowboy’s Faith: Life By The Clock




By Frank J. Buchman


“You look at the clock all of the time.”

It was a critical comment, but a true one, too.

For most of our life, we didn’t carry a watch, although we’ve had several.

That first watch was anticipated to get and wear. And, we had a couple during those elementary days. By high school, clocks on the wall, class bells and dashboard timepieces served need.

College days required preciseness, so Mom got us a wristwatch that served purpose. It didn’t keep us from being late to class, seven semesters, five mornings a week, all 7:30s.

Into the professional world, schedules had to be met, but again wall and car clocks sufficed. Seldom were we late, unless an appointment slipped our mind. That wasn’t as common then, as our forgetfulness now.

Nature has always done her part getting us around when we’re supposed to be. So authoritative that altering is nearly impossible.

Without alarm, getup is always the same, while shuteye varies little, despite determination otherwise.

There’ve been adulthood occasions when we carried timepieces. A Christmas present pocket watch was requested, and appreciated for a while.

But, pulling that chronometer out of the little pocket under the belt became such a chore, it went wayside.

A couple of sentimental wristwatches, those of Dad and Aunt Lu, were worn. They both stopped running, and are in the desk drawer.

Dad’s pocket watch, a gift from his Mom, our favorite grandma, was never used personally. Yet, it’s displayed in an office canister.

After assuming present employment, making sure we were always on time for everything we did became of utmost importance.

Five bucks bought a bronze embossed wristwatch with expansion band at the discount department store.

How many times do we check the time every day? Until the comment was made concerning our clock watching habit, never had the question arisen, or an answer considered.

No ready reply, but it’d be nearly uncountable. Even, when we decide to definitely not look at the clock, habit overrides.

However, caring about and knowing the time is important.

Mom was always a clock watcher. When time became unimportant, she was ready to pass, and did.

Sad truth that has always remained in our memory.

Likewise, reminds us Luke 21:36: “Be watching all the time to stand before the Son of Man.”



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