A Cowboy’s Faith: Changing Hairstyles Are Insignificant


By Frank J. Buchman

Bald headed people don’t have to think about hairstyles.

That is unless they want a wig. But, the rest of the population spends considerable time taking care of hair.

Looking back in our lifetime, let alone all of history, there’ve been many hair “fads” for both genders and all ages.

Even our personal haircut has changed some, but we’ve interestingly become quite liberal with all hairstyle preferences. Yet, pony tails on cowgirls still catch our eye, for obvious name-appeal if nothing else.

Likewise, hair colors are that of the rainbow, altering with the whim. Any hair color of any amount seems preferable to no hair, now personal concern.

But, some men like the shaved head look for reason we don’t understand. Yet, it doesn’t have to be combed, and no concern about covering the bald spots.

Horse hairstyles change, too, although lay people likely never gave it much thought.

Some horses naturally have long thick manes and tails. Others are skimpy, and won’t grow no matter what owners do.

In the human burr haircut era of the ’60s, many horse owners completely roached their horse’s manes.

Forelock in front of the ears, and a few strands of hair where the mane ended on the back were left uncut. Evidently, the remaining hairs were to serve as handhold when one rode bareback?

Tails, sadly, in those days were often thinned with a pocketknife to be shortened at just above the hocks. Sometimes, tails were just bobbed off ugly that length.

Natural manes and tails are more popular now, but many owners still do considerable styling manes, often shortening.

Sometimes, the mane is just left a couple of inches long, while braiding short and long manes is commonly done on certain horses.

It’s customary for some to clip a bridle path just behind the ears. Show groomers often shave long muzzle hairs, while clipping pastern hairs.

More horse owners again today like long manes and tails on their horses, which is our preference. No clipping, thinning or shaping required, easier and the way nature meant to be.

Yet, it’s the horse, and the person, that counts, not the hairstyle.

Reminds us of Leviticus 19:15: “One shall not be partial or show preferences whatever the choice,” and First Chronicles 25:8: “Nobody was given partiality or advantage over another.”




  1. And the current ‘fake tail’ phenomenon! On Western Pleasure horses, sure, I get it, but working cow horses? The fad’s gone a bit too far.


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