“In the spring, I have counted 136 kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.”
Mark Twain said it originally but the comment has been repeated in wide variations during recent weeks.
The temperature can be far above average almost like summer and within minutes near freezing or below.
It is calm and still when starting to chore in the morning then wind blasts seemingly 60-miles-an-hour when finished.
Those who have planted early spring gardens have been mad to say the least. Often when the sun shines, sky is blue, temperature is short-sleeve-shirt, gardeners till and plant.
New sprouts peak through the soil, and then the weatherman says: “It’ll freeze tonight.”
Gardeners scamper to protect the vulnerable new plantings. Potted plants are taken inside as sheets, blankets, feed sacks, everything imaginable are used to cover rest of the garden.
Depending on how low the thermometer gets, some plants generally survive while majority are destroyed. With gardeners’ grunts and groans, there’s something about putting another new seed in the ground that gives felling of optimism.
Of course, this time of year, every farmer has the itch to get in the field. While modern corn varieties are colder weather resistant, chance of freezing still exists. Dry conditions and low night temperatures have kept corn plantings below average.
Oats don’t seem to be a common spring crop anymore or at least area drilling and new growth aren’t apparent. Not really knowing much about it, oats seem good for not only horse feed, but as cover crops and haying.
Wind has been the main topic everywhere with considerable damage locally and afar. Tin roofs and shingles have been strewn around barnyards with insurance adjusters pulling hairs out.
Saddest damage is the new metal sided building up the road. The roof has been destroyed and replaced five times with tin everywhere and broken rafters waiting for another repairman.
It’s pasture burning time and almost an impossible task with dry then damp conditions, horrific winds, and everything deterring progress.
Nothing to do about the weather except talk about it.
Reminded of Ecclesiastes 11:4: “When clouds are full of water, it rains. When wind blows down a tree, it lies where it falls. Don’t sit there watching the wind. Do your own work. Don’t stare at the clouds. Get on with your life.”