Annual Meeting Set For Kansas Horse Council Serving Equine Industry With Leadership, Education And Policy

For the Love of Horses


Time is now to become involved in the future of everything involved with horses in Kansas and the nation. “The annual meeting of the Kansas Horse Council (KHC) is scheduled Saturday, Nov. 14, at the Osage City Fairgrounds,” announced Justine Staten.

In the Community Building, activities are set to begin with musical entertainment by Steve Boyce Saturday morning at 11 o’clock. “Highlighted by a noon banquet admission is free with adjournment planned by mid-afternoon,” said the KHC executive director.

However reservations for the noon meal served by Barkin’ Dawgs are required by emailing [email protected] or calling 785-776-0662.

“We’re especially pleased to have Ernie Rodina of Better Horses Worldwide as our featured speaker,” Staten said.

Rodina is a longtime advocate for all matters horses throughout the world. He is prominently recognized for his syndicated weekly Better Horses radio and television programs and quarterly newspaper.

“Certainly, Ernie is most enthusiastic for betterment of horses and their owners. He’ll have a very educational and always enjoyable presentation,” Staten assured.

Additional features of the KHC session will be updates on issues relating horses including legislation, trails, events, health and wellness.

“The Kansas Horse Council’s main fund raising event is the EquiFest of Kansas,” Staten reminded. “So, details about EquiFest 2021, set March 5-6-7, at Salina will also be reviewed.”

Many people including horse owners and others with heartfelt interests in horses still don’t completely understand what the KHC is. “We provide the Kansas equine industry with leadership and direction through education, promotion and public policy advocacy,” Staten explained.

“Regional directors and representatives are passionate about horses and the horse industry in Kansas,” Staten assured. “They are the link between what’s happening in your area and what’s happening at the KHC headquarters in Manhattan.”

Those representatives are said to help promote and inform keeping everyone updated and engaged in the Kansas equine industry. “They often assist with activities, planning regional meetings and events that bring us all together,” Staten added.

KHC is the state’s largest equine network providing members with access to purchase discounts and youth equine scholarships. “The KHC Foundation 501c3 was founded in 2003. It is to encourage learning and higher education pursuits of individuals involved in the equine industry,” Staten pointed out.

“An additional unique feature of the KHC is the horsemanship rewards program recognizing members for time spent enjoying their equine friends,” Staten said. Marty Bloomquist, KHC board member from Tecumseh, oversees the rewards program.

Students, individuals and family memberships automatically include a million dollar personal excess liability insurance policy. It provides protection in the event a horse does damage to person or property.

The Kansas Equine Directory features membership listings, horse events and trail riding opportunities. “Members can list equine services and businesses for free,” Staten said. “Make this the hub for all things equine in Kansas. Encourage your equine service providers too; it’s that easy.”

Kansas Horse Council license plates are available at county courthouses. “Show your love for horses and the horse industry in Kansas everywhere you drive,” Staten encouraged. “All are welcome and you don’t even need to be a current KHC member.”

KHC officers include Jim Thomas, Lyndon, president; Jana Barcus, Paola, vice president; Cheryl Thomas, Lyndon, secretary; Greg McDonald, Stilwell, treasurer; and Craig Barnett DVM, Paola, legislative representative. Gabrielle Hamler is the KHC official administrative assistant.

Additional board members are Sheryl Strathman, Topeka; Kallie Emig, Burlington; Shanda Mattix, Colby; and Pam Wasserman, Salina. Board liaisons are Chris Blevins, Manhattan; Erin Glassman, Buhler; and Justin Janssen, Alma.

Additional information about the Kansas Horse Council can be found at

Ernie Rodina of Better Horses Worldwide will be featured speaker during the annual meeting of the Kansas Horse Council at Osage City on November 14th.

Justine Staten serves as executive director of the Kansas Horse Council headquartered in Manhattan. She is also event manager for the EquiFest of Kansas, major fund raising activity for the KHC.


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