Flint Hills Cowboy Teams To Compete In State’s Oldest Ranch Rodeo Sunday

For the Love of Horses


Its rodeo time this weekend at Council Grove.

The 35th annual Fall Ranch Rodeo has been scheduled for Sunday, Oct 3, 1 o’clock, at the Morris County Youth Rodeo Association (MCYRA) arena, located 1½ miles east of Council Grove on Highway 56.

“Of special significance is that our ranch rodeo is the oldest in the state of Kansas, and one of the oldest in the nation,” clarified Clay Wilson, MCYRA president.

Set for Sunday’s Western action matinee will be steer branding, team penning, double mugging and team roping.

“Four-member cowboy teams representing a dozen Flint Hills ranches will be competing for event and overall championship recognition,” Wilson pointed out.

To provide for a full family day of rodeo activities, the host Morris County Youth Rodeo Association will again offer complete concessions with meals, drinks and homemade lunch offerings.

Information about the full rodeo day’s activities is available from Wilson at 785-466-1359, and on Facebook.

Four-member cowboy teams representing a dozen Flint Hills ranches will be competing at the ranch rodeo in Council Grove October 3rd.


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