Flint Hills Barn Quilts Featured In New Book


Submitted by the Kansas Flint Hills Quilt Trail

Flint Hills barn quilts are featured in the new book by author Suzi Parron, “Following The Barn Quilt Trail.” The Kansas Flint Hills Quilt Trail will host the barn quilt trail author and lecturer, at two locations in September. Saturday, September 10, the KSFHQT will host the noted author at the Flint Hills Discovery Center in Manhattan, with a program at 10:00 a.m. and book signing following. A Prairie Talk by the noted author is scheduled at Pioneer Bluffs, Matfield Green, for Sunday, September 11, at 1:30 p.m., and book signing following.

April 2012, author Suzi Parron was in the Manhattan area to present a program and offer her first book, “Barn Quilts and the American Quilt Trail Movement,” to area barn quilt enthusiasts. A part of that 2012 visit was to follow the barn quilt movement through the Flint Hills of Kansas, including some of those photos and stories in her new book already in progress.  A number of pages in the new edition do feature Flint Hills barn quilts and their stories and documents Parron’s travels across the nation viewing barn quilts and interviewing their owners for their unique stories. “I found that barn quilts have stories behind them. Gathering those stories became a passion for me,” says Parron.

Pre-registration is suggested for both events, with no cost to attend. Both, the Kansas Flint Hills Quilt Trail and Pioneer Bluffs do accept donations as non-profit organizations. To pre-register for the event at the Flint Hills Discovery Center, simply call 785-776-8829 or e-mail [email protected]. Pre-register for the event at Pioneer Bluffs by calling 620-753-3484, or e-mail [email protected].

The Kansas Flint Hills Quilt Trail actively promotes tourism and rural pride throughout the 22 county region of the Flint Hills. For more information on the Kansas Flint Hills Quilt Trail, follow the Trail on Facebook, or log on to www.ksflinthillsquilttrail.com.


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