Five Mule Team Pulling ‘Jesus Wagon’ Gets Attention For Traveling Evangelist’s Mission

For The Love Of Horses


“Did you see those mules pulling the covered wagons down the highway?”

Such query was made dozens of times in recent days and literally thousands of times over the past decade-plus.

A most unusual sight slowly trudging down rural roadways with passing traffic gawking, yielding way, anxious to know more.

That’s intension of the unique traveler holding lines of five big sorrel mules tugging two quite large heavily loaded wagons.

“I’m traveling the country to tell people about Jesus,” Randy Boehmer insisted.

Going west on Old 40 Highway in Dickinson County stopped just briefly, messages on wagons verified the mission. “Jesus Saves, Ask Him,” is colorfully boldly inscribed on the lead wheeled vehicle, Boehmer the driver, dogs at his feet.

“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house,” Acts 16:31, emblazes the second wagon.

“I don’t have a hometown. I just go where the Lord leads me, 31 states in 13-1/2 years,” Boehmer said, “I intend on doing this the rest of my life; I would not be doing anything else,” the intriguing muleteer continued. “I will go and spread the Word and testify about Jesus.”

Eager to get back down the country byway, Boehmer handed over a color reprint of his story, objective clearly defined.

A taxidermist four decades, Boehmer did originate in Arizona, but drastic life changes put him on the backroads.

Cleaning out his parents’ garage in 1991 after they’d passed away, Boehmer realized, “Their possessions were disposable. All they’d worked hard for meant nothing in the end.”

Death of Boehmer’s wife from cancer in 1998 further guided his future. “I started reading the Bible and Jesus came into my heart,” Boehmer said. “It said I had to turn away from my sins and accept Jesus. And that is what I did.

“God put a desire in my heart to travel around the country in a covered wagon and spread His word.”

With extensive formal Bible study, Boehmer spent several months enhancing muleskinner knowledge and learning farrier skills to become self-sufficient. He credits the Amish for their advice and encouragement.

The covered wagon was refashioned personally by Boehmer from a farm wagon. His tail along vehicle was made from another old feed trailer.

An unusual hitch to certain longtime teamsters, Boehmer has three mules in front and two behind. That’s in contrast to common unicorn hitches with two behind and one in front.

“These are mules weighing maybe 1,500 pounds, out of Belgian draft mares and Mammoth Jacks,” Boehmer clarified for laypersons.

His rigs include a wood stove and bed for year around travel. A solar panel is affixed atop a vehicle to power lights, and a couple additional modern technology devices.

Traveling only about four miles per hour, Boehmer has a rotating beacon on the wagon alerting others that he’s there.

Strong patriotism and acknowledgement of his nation’s freedoms, Boehmer proudly flies an American flag in a smaller trailer hooked behind.

Boehmer never knows where he will spend the night. “I just pray, and the Lord always provides,” he appreciatively credited.

“I get my food at grocery stores along the way, prepare it myself,” Boehmer said.
Horse feed is bought at local elevators although his team typically gets nourishment while grazing during overnight rest stops. “I generally only have to buy hay in the winter,” he commented.

Most of what Boehmer owns is with him. “Things aren’t important. Life here on Earth is short compared to eternity,” the mule man declared.

Pretty much independent, Boehmer receives small monthly financing from his Arizona church. Sometimes, those intrigued meeting the traveling evangelist offer assistance of various sorts.

Such was the case when Boehmer needed wagon repairs. He camped at Jacque Karl’s ranch near Detroit, Kansas, and community members joined offering supplies and other support.
“God provides,” Boehmer said. “Every day I thank God for the day before, and pray without ceasing for the day to come.

“I make a lot of friends along the way. That’s the hard part about all of this, having to leave those friends behind when I pull out. But we will all be one big happy family in Heaven one day,” he recognized.

Seven verses from the Bible’s book of Romans are persistent of Boehmer’s initiative on the handout for inquisitors. He emphasizes Romans 10:13: “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

“I am just a simple man with a simple message,” Boehmer asserted. “There is no other name than Jesus by which a person can be saved.

“A trip ends. But a journey goes on forever,” Boehmer said. “It’s all about an eternity with Jesus. I will continue this journey until I die, telling other people about Jesus.”

Spending more time on country byways than city streets, Randy Boehmer pulled his Jesus Wagon in front of Rittel’s Western Wear at Abilene. (Facebook photo)

Visiting with the young as well as more mature is God-felt mission of Randy Boehmer as he travels the countryside with a five-mule hitch pulling his Jesus Wagon. (Teresa Douthit photo)

Where ever his God leads him Randy Boehmer goes with his Jesus Wagon often camping in pastures near country roadways. (Teresa Douthit photo)

No small chore hitching, unhitching and caring for his five big mules but no remorse for Randy Boehmer as he travels the countryside spreading the Good Word which has become his life’s mission. (Teresa Douthit photo)

A mule team with Randy Boehmer at the lines pulling his Jesus Wagon embossed “Jesus Saves Ask Him” verifies the traveling evangelist’s mission. (Randy Boehmer file photo)

Randy Boehmer has been traveling the nation into 31 states more than 13 years with his “Jesus Wagon. The nomadic evangelist insists: “Jesus is my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. He can be yours also just ask him.” (Randy Boehmer file photo)

Mules are his mode of travel power and friends of Randy Boehmer who is on the road spreading his faith and God’s word from town to town. (Randy Boehmer file photo)




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