Five Days Of Fun Activities At Overbrook Osage County Fair This Week


overbrookExcitement for all is on tap for Overbrook this week.


It’s the annual Overbrook Osage County Fair, August 12th through the 16th, at the fairgrounds right along Highway 56 in Overbrook, Kansas, according to announcement by Jane Goodyear, who’s on the fair committee helping with promotions efforts.


“Every year, our historic community right on route of the original Santa Fe Trail puts a lot of hard work into coordinating the fair activities, so it’s bigger and better than before, with entertainment and also education for all,” Goodyear said.


“Without any prejudice intended, we think the program lined up this time is certainly one of the best ever,” she added.


Entries are accepted throughout the opening day, Wednesday, Aug. 12, and feature kickoff attraction is crowning of the Overbrook Osage County Fair King and Queen ceremony at 6 o’clock, with the royalty presiding of over the entire fair, and most notably in presentation of awards for all competitions. Their first tour of duty will be recognizing swine show winners with ribbons and trophies starting at 7 o’clock.


Also featured for the first evening of the annual fair is a lawn mower pull, with free admission to all. “A lot of folks really enjoy seeing just how much power their lawn mowers have, and it creates certain neighborly rivalry as well as plenty of chides, grins and good wholesome family fun for everyone,” Goodyear assured.


Rabbits go under the judge’s evaluation Thursday morning, Aug. 13, and the sheep show is during the evening.


Jones Carnival will be open Thursday through Saturday evenings, and crowds can experience all rides on the Midway every night with Wrist Band purchases.


Again, there’ll be free admission for the noisy, smoky, often stinky test-of-power during the diesel truck and tractor pull Thursday evening at 7 o’clock, but those bringing coolers with refreshments are to be accessed $10 apiece.


Goats of the meat type start Friday morning judging at 9 o’clock, with dairy goats and cattle evaluations immediately following.


Beef cattle judging begins at 7 o’clock, Friday evening. Excitement mounts, and there’ll be a token admittance fee for the All-Terrain Vehicle Circle Track Races, but no glass containers are being allowed through the gate.


Saturday morning, Aug. 15, might as well be called kids’ time at the fair as the pet show, with all entries welcome, begins at 9 o’clock, and kids’ contests are set for 10 o’clock, at the Soccer Field. Little tykes’ leg muscle power goes to work hardest with the kids’ pedal tractor pull starting at noon.


Anticipated by participants locally and from afar, with spectators lining the route long in advance, the fair parade, at 6 o’clock, promises something for everybody.


Parade of Champions is what all the youth livestock exhibitors work for throughout the year, with their presentation at 6:55, Saturday evening, before the youth livestock auction, followed immediately by the buyers’ appreciation supper.


Highlight of the evening is the hot rod truck and tractor pull, with admittance charged, beginning at 7:30, although those five-and-under get in free, with the six-to-12-year-olds at half charge.


New this year, according to Goodyear, will be the Sunday afternoon Demolition Derby, beginning at 4 o’clock, with gate fee, and featuring local entrants, along with participation expected from considerable distance, as a great climax for the 2015 edition of the Overbrook Osage County Fair.


All the details are on Facebook, and at


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