Farm Profit Conference, February 19th at Council Grove


By Frank J. Buchman


Mary KnappMarkets, weather and government intervention are the three biggest concerns of farmers and ranchers.


Appropriately, those are the topics set for discussion during the Farm Profit Conference at the fairgrounds east of Council Grove on Thursday evening, Feb. 19.


“This will be the second in this year’s series of Farm Profit Conferences for farmers and ranchers in the Midwest to be become better informed about topics affecting profitability in their production operations,” according to Kelly Lenz, coordinator of the programs, and longtime farm director for 580 WIBW, host for the sessions.


The Flint Hills Extension District is cooperating with 580 WIBW in presenting this meeting which will get underway at 5:30. “Doors open for farmers and ranchers to sign-up for a large assortment of valuable prizes given by sponsors to be awarded from drawings throughout the event,” Lenz said.


“A large number of displays will also presented by the evening sponsors and advertisers on 580 WIBW’s six daily farm programs attracting dedicated listenership throughout the Midwest,” he added.


Complimentary beef supper begins at 6 o’clock, and the educational program starts at 6:45.


Darrell HoladayHighlight of the conferences, according to Lenz, is always Darrell Holaday, Country Futures at Frankfort, who discusses farm markets live five mornings every week on the 580 WIBW Ag  Roundup program.


“Darrell keeps listeners on the edge of their seats, because he never pulls any punches, and evaluates the farm picture exactly the way he’s analyzed, and sees it,” Lenz clarified. His presentation this time has been titled “The Markets: Are We Having Fun, Yet?”


A frequent presenter at the 580 WIBW programs is Mary Knapp, assistant state climatologist from Kansas State University, who in a return engagement will give “The 2015 Weather Outlook.”


Aaron Popelka, vice president of legal and governmental affairs for the Kansas Livestock Association based in Topeka, is to review “WOTUS (Waters of the United States) and Kansas Tax Legislation.”


Aaron Popelka (Head Shot)-1This Farm Profit Conference is entirely complimentary from the sponsors and 580 WIBW, but plate count is essential so nobody goes without supper. Reservations must be made by calling the Flint Hills District Extension Office at Council Grove, 620-767-5136, or e-mail [email protected].


The first Farm Profit Conference hosted by 580 WIBW this year was at Rossville, and additional programs are set for Ottawa, March 4, and Westmoreland, March 18. Details will be forthcoming with reservations also needed.


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