Election Reflection

Laugh Tracks in the Dust


A few weeks ago, I wrote the following words about the upcoming election: “[I want the] vote to re-establish the kind of Constitutional Republic, not a pure democracy, our Founding Fathers strived to create and warned us pointedly about losing. That is a nation based on freedom, limited government and wide spread distribution of wealth, property and power.”

Well, now the election is over. Only time will tell if my wishful outcome will happen. We will learn a lot from changes made in the next two years before the next off-year election.

However, a look at the recent election results — beyond and behind the actual vote count — reveals several important happenings that stand out.

1. “The political legitimacy of The Fly Over States that mostly feed and fuel our nation was reaffirmed. Long ignored or belittled by the bi-coastal and political elites, the Fly Over States — and the “deplorables” who live in them — re-established their importance to the nation. Those states are too important for political dismissal or ghosting. Why? It’s within those states where common sense politics is buttressed.

2. Members of the biased media, both mass media and social media, who have forsaken honest journalism tenets in pursuit of personal preferences, got well-deserved, virtual, embarrassing, big, fat, juicy banana cream pies smashed into their smug faces.

3. Biased political pollsters got the same treatment with a coconut cream pie.

4. The shrill rantings of the entertainment and celebrity ego-elites, who are mostly immune to the costs and difficulties of every-day American life, got their embarrassing come-uppens, too. They learned that their political beliefs don’t carry much weight and do little to persuade voters.

5. The election restores faith in the American electorate. Voters proved they are a discerning public, willing and able to sort through the persistent hyperbole and disinformation, sort the grain from the chaff, discern fact from fiction and come to their own logical, common sense conclusions.

6. The election winners gain control of the presidency, the Senate, and, perhaps, the House of Representatives. They have absolutely no excuse not to perform up to the high standards and expectations of the voters who elected them — and to do so

with integrity and no malice. If they don’t, the voters will again rap their knuckles and yank the mandate away.


Okay, I’ll get off my political high horse and get back to the main reason I write this column — to hopefully make you smile or chuckle.


A rural grandmother assumed the task of taking her grandson to his elementary school basketball gam.

Just before halftime of the game, the coach called her 9-year-old grandson aside and asked him, “Do you understand what co-operation is? What a team is?”

“Yes, coach”, replied the little boy. ”

“Do you understand how important it is that we win or lose together as a team?” the coach continued.

The little boy nodded in the affirmative.

“So,” the coach continued, “I’m sure you know, when traveling or a foul is called, you shouldn’t argue, curse, attack the referee, or call him a jerk. Do you understand all that?”

Again, the little boy nodded in the affirmative.

The coach continued, “And when I take you out of the game so that another boy gets a chance to play, it’s not a stupid decision or that I’m a nincompoop, is it?”

“No, coach,” the lad affirmed

“Good,” said the coach. “Now during halftime, please go over there and explain all that to your grandmother.”


A rancher wuz taking a load of feeder cattle to the auction barn when he wuz pulled over by a deputy sheriff for running a stop sign.

The deputy asked the rancher, “Didn’t you see the stop sign back there?”

The wiseacre rancher replied, “Yeah, but I don’t believe everything I read.”

He got a ticket for his impertinence,

The next week, the same rancher was taking another load of cattle to the sale barn when the same deputy sheriff pulled him over for speeding.

The deputy asked the rancher testily, “Don’t you know the speed limit is 55 miles per hour along this stretch of highway?”

The impertinent rancher replied, “Yeah. But I wasn’t planning on driving that long.”

He got a second, more expensive, ticket


Well, the Kansas pheasant hunting season begins in two days. Sadly, I recall that back in my avid bird hunting days, I’d be getting ready for a trip to western Kansas for opening day. I’d be packing all my hunting gear, getting my dog trailer ready for the trip, getting the water and feed packed for my six Brittany bird dogs. Today, the closest I got to pheasant hunting wuz wearing an orange cap with a flushing pheasant decal on the front.


My words of wisdom for the week: “It may be a coincidence, but have you noticed that man’s best friend can’t talk?” Have a good ‘un.



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