Easter Salads

The Covered Dish


This is the first time I have penned my column from a hospital room. I’m not in the hospital, but my dad has been, for an infection. I’m headed back to southern Missouri the first of the week. So, I’ve been running back and forth between the Hannibal hospital and my hometown of Lewistown. The drive really isn’t bad either, time to think. I have found time to have lunch or dinner with a couple of good friends, which has been grand.

Remember, I’ll be back to northern Missouri for an April 20th speaking engagement, at the Methodist Church Hall, located in Lewistown. If you need to get ahold of someone for tickets I would reach out to Sharpe’s Insurance, they can guide you in the right direction. I’m also debuting a brand-new recipe that day. They asked me for a theme, so it’s titled: ‘Signs, Sampling & Simplicity’. And yes, I do speaking engagements for all types of different settings. Sometimes I demo a recipe, other times I may be focusing on a variety of subjects. I’ve even been known to revert back to my first vocation and perform a song or two. First a musician/teacher followed by culinary teacher/writer/author and lastly director of a non-for-profit, wow, I have been blessed having the opportunity to experience so many different avenues in life, and the great thing is I’m not done yet!!!

If I could change anything it would have been my first vocation, I probably would have sought a medical degree. Don’t get me wrong teaching music and singing was rewarding, but back then I didn’t have enough faith in myself to pursue a science degree. When I didn’t comprehend, I blamed myself for not being ‘smart enough’. Not realizing until much later that it wasn’t me, it was the teacher, not being able to teach, yep, it happens. People spoke without realizing the repercussions of their statements, including teachers, parents and other leaders.

Perhaps that’s why I’m such a positive individual, I know the affects of negativity on young and old minds. WOW, a little self-analogy there!

Now, let’s talk salads! I decided to run two older recipes that are very simple and will satisfy two totally different palate needs. An old-fashioned ‘whippy’ salad and a simple Mandarin Oriental Salad. My spouse still enjoys the old-fashioned whipped salads, and I’ve actually found they are easy to make in a lower-sugar

content. On the fresh, mandarin oriental salad, the dressing is your only caloric concern. This salad would be good to prepare with a grilled chicken breast across the top. Change the mandarin oranges to fresh strawberries. I don’t see any cheese in the original recipe, feta, goat cheese or parmesan would be an outstanding addition. You can switch the almonds out for walnuts. I also wouldn’t turn down a few halved white grapes on the salad. As you look at the presentation with strawberries versus mandarin oranges you might change out to a fresh green onion instead of the red onion.

In the mandarin orange version, you could also grab honey, orange juice, herbs, oil and vinegar to make a fresh dressing instead of the Asian Sesame Dressing, purchased at the store.

Hopefully you won’t over-due things on Easter weekend. Be sure and prepare so you’ve got leftovers for later in the week. I’m actually thinking about doing a pork loin this year instead of a standard ham. I don’t know my sides just yet, but I’m sure I’ll have it laid out by Wednesday, following sale ads!

Let’s keep doing great things and listening to those around us. Simply yours, The Covered Dish

Lemon Fluff Salad

1 large can (20 oz.) chunk or crushed pineapple, use all juice

1 regular box of instant lemon pudding

1 can mandarin oranges, drained

1 (8oz.) carton cool whip, or make it fresh!

Marshmallows, if desired.

Chopped pecans might be interesting to add too

Mix pineapple and pudding, stirring well. Fold in whipped topping, oranges and marshmallows. Chill. Mother indicates this stirs up very fast, and she likes to use it when you need something quick. Betty Dance


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