I remember: What now?


By Doris Schroeder

Don’t you wonder, as I do, “What is going to happen in 2016?” We have seen so mang changes if our last year, happenings we had never dreamed that would come about. Things I thought would never change in a “christian” nation such as ours. Values I never dreamt would change as I thought those in authority would always abide by the Constitution, at least a respect for the one, true God and the United States of America.

However, as I look back over this past year, there have been some really great things occur, both in a personal sense and even in a broader fashion. These are the things that hold out hope for the things to come.

After two more relatives from my husband’s side moved into the Buhler Sunshine Home this summer as well as one who had a heart attack, we went through the process of their settling in. I told hubby how nice it would be to celebrate Christmas as a family in the Home this year. He agreed and soon was calling our daughter Judy and Stan, as well as our own grandsons and their lovely families. She enthusiastically agreed to help and hubby called the nieces and nephews who live near by. They were all excited to come and everyone came who did not have previous plans.

I must admit, it did seem like a lot of work and John and I both seem to have a bad leg, but somehow it came together. We had chili and vegetable soup, sandwiches and tons of goodies and sat at a long table made into a “T” at the Home.

John had roasted raw peanuts and had them on the table. He later did as his Dad had done and gave them each an orange when they left.

We had Aldo Ray ask the blessing. Later we gave them all a chance to talk about a special Christmas memory each one had. Many of them remembered the special things that stood out in their mind. Frannie came up and played some of the Christmas carols by memory and we sang with some of them.

John led a game and the winners could pick a prize that many had brought. Our oldest great grandson Max, a kindergartner, enjoyed himself to the hilt and won five times. Each time he picked out some chocolate candy from the prizes so, of course, it made his day!

It was fun to see Dustin Loepp and his two little boys as well as our own grandsons, Ryan and Mike, and their families. In fact, to me, it seemed like “a little bit of heaven!”

When they left, they all told us how much they had enjoyed the old-fashioned Christmas. I am convinced that the “older” younger (than us) people of today are beginning to realize how wonderful it was in days gone by, even though everyone really worked hard to earn a living. The truth they were told then and have found out since is that money does not necessarily bring happiness.

As wealth has seemed to do, it brings more dissatisfaction to people who just want more and on their own terms. As a nation we have let greed become the god we worship instead of the Creator God. Has it bettered our world and our nation? I think you’ll agree that it has not!

Jesus, the son of God, came into this world is as shabby a situation as there could be, yet He did it because of His love for us. He wanted to make a sure way for us to get to heaven some day. There is no other way to live this life and know with certainty we are going to heaven when we die, except to personally and with all honesty ask Jesus into our heart and life…no matter what age we are.

It is then we can find a peace that can be found nowhere else. It is them we can be led by Him in all our endeavors.

Just think, we can have peace no matter what happens to our world or our country because we have the Prince of Peace living within us and guiding us on. We can be part of a heavenly family…the family of God. We no longer wonder about what is going to happen but just follow God until He calls us to heaven!

Doris welcomes your comments and can be reached at [email protected]


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