I Remember The Truth is just around the corner


By Doris Schroeder

Just think, by now, we will have our answer…at least in the grand country of freedom, the United States of America. Will we have voted to keep our freedoms, our commitment to God, our right to life, and our personal contact with our Creator? OR will we have succumbed to the “being politically correct” to the world instead of the One who made us? Only time will tell.

As we have enjoyed the Autumn season one more time…the cooler breezes in our face, the changing of the leaf colors like the changing of the guard, we look around at the country God has allowed us to reside in and can’t help but feel a thankfulness to our Creator for allowing us this privilege. Why then, do we even consider changing to the way other countries are when God has put us in “the land of freedom!” A place we can worship Him, follow Him and live in close fellowship with the One who made us and has all power, insight and wisdom if we only ask him!

It does seem that every four years during election time, we see some of the things we would rather not observe. People gathering money any which way in order to “buy” their way to happiness, only to find out it doesn’t.

When I was a little girl after my sister Luella had been accidentally shot and saw her exit from this life to the next, I was very conscious of God in my life. My parents gave me another sister Carol in a few years. The presidential elections at that time seemed quite unimportant to me. My parents looked out for me and I trusted them. As I grew older, I did become aware of the freedoms we enjoyed in the greatest country in the world. I accepted Christ into my life and married my soul-mate. Even then, I had a lot to learn.

Life was a continual experience with some hard lessons to learn. The good thing was we lived in a country that allowed us to try our wings in whatever way we desired. We had a country where we could start our own “mom and pop” business. We could buy our own place, raise our children the way we saw fit and worship God the way we were led.

Were we rich? Not monetarily but certainly in the fact that we could confidently trust in the One who made us and wanted only the best for our family.

So what has happened? Spiritual things have silently disappeared from view…money and accomplishment have become the gods of many. It is becoming more and more common for the Christian to be made fun of and good solid churches are certainly less plentiful. We have even been told by the “powers that be” that we are no longer a “Christian” nation. That bothers me because those are the things that made our country great and the only thing that gives us hope. We have been “one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all!” We have respected our constitution as God ordained, we have appreciated the freedoms we have had to say what we think (under God) but now there are those who wish to take it away by any means they can.

We cannot let this happen! We cannot leave God out of the picture. When we vote this year, it is imperative that we do it right, otherwise our county will no longer be the country of freedom. In which presidential candidate is there at least some hope? Let this be our guide as we vote on November 8. Remember, the truth is just around the corner and the truth shall make us free!

Doris appreciates your comments and can be reached at [email protected]



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