I REMEMBER NOW is the time!


When I was in high school in the 40s and 50s, and took typewriter lessons, we practiced typing with this phrase “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country!” I really didn’t think of the meaning of that phrase very much as life operated at a much simpler pace than it does now. I simply used it as a learning tool, little dreaming that in 65 years; it would take on a drastic new definition.

Through the years I have seen where I, as well as many others, gave little thought to what was really happening in our country.  We used the excuse that we didn’t understand all the ins and outs of government, so we wouldn’t bother, sometimes not even taking the time to vote in an important election. But then, our country was not going through the drastic changes it is now. Isn’t it important to let our voice be heard or should we let it be still and let our country go where certainly “angels fear to tread?”

When I attended school my elementary years, I changed schools 8 times because my parents moved a lot. Many times, when I was new, I kept my thoughts to myself until I could ascertain what they taught. It wasn’t until I attended Buhler High and I was there for all four years, that I had a chance to say what I felt. Being the co-editor in the school paper gave me an avenue to begin to voice my opinion. When I took writing classes in college, I found an avenue to verbalize the what and why of my thinking and found out I could check the Bible for the way God had laid out our life instructions.

I must hasten to add that life in the fifties and sixties was much simpler and uncomplicated. Life was not measured by the amount of wealth a family had. Instead it was important to live according to God’s precepts…love your neighbor as yourself, love and teach your family Godly principals and do what He leads you to do. Above all, ask him personally into your life and let him be your guide.

What is it then that has happened to our beloved nation? It started slowly at first but gained momentum. In the early years, no one ever talked back to the teacher or they would certainly be punished at home. Children were taken to church on Sunday pretty much on a regular basis.  If a student was disciplined at school, they were also regimented at home. Teachers were held up as examples and rightly so.

At first there were slow changes in our country. Sunday and Wednesday nights had been left open by the schools for church. Gradually, sports took over some of them until in today’s world, some people have never heard of such a thing

When I attended a country school in my younger years, we always prayed before we did the flag salute and school started for the day. After our lunch hour, we often sang a hymn. It gave us a sense of peace. One time there was a family that moved briefly into our neighborhood. They didn’t salute the flag or pray but that was their privilege, and nothing was said. However, I did feel sorry for them.

We studied American history and learned about how our land was fought for and how Americans settled on our land by covered wagons and by coming to America by ship and by train, seeking the freedoms our country had to offer.

During the big Depression, crime was not rampant, and our jails were much smaller than they are today. Families tried to keep their own in line. Drugs were practically unheard of and money was definitely earned “by the sweat of the brow.”

The government didn’t just hand out help; the ones who received assistance worked through something called the WPA, where a certain amount of work was required.  Shelterbelts were planted by these workers and we see evidence of them to this day. As far as I can ascertain, even the two main government parties respected the opinion and rights of the other and often an agreement between the two could be reached with each party giving in a little.

So, what has happened? As we became richer in material things, we became bolder and more selfish as a result. Many people have turned to the idea that money and power is the ultimate success of life.

But what about when life on this earth comes to an end? And where do we really go when we die? Does the fact that many believe that dying is the complete end of life really make it so? What if God really is the one who created us, and the Bible is true? Is this a truth we can simply let hang in the air of life when we know we have an eternity ahead of us? “NOW is the time!”


Doris welcomes your comments and can be reached at [email protected].



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