I remember: Life continues…no matter what!


By Doris Schroeder

Here it is, almost July. It does seem that the more years I live, the faster it keeps going. It also means because it takes me a little longer to do some of the regular things, I don’t get as much physical work done as I used to. Truthfully, the energy is also subsiding but that’s all right, I’m in no hurry. I will still keep doing the things that are important to me.

I love to attend  the Sunday morning service at the Medora Bible Church. Even if I’m tired from the Saturday Farmer’s Market, I come away feeling refreshed and anticipating another great week. Certainly our pastor, Ron Mandeville,  certainly makes us appreciative of  the long hours he studies from the Bible.

Many times at the Saturday Farmer’s Market, I start out tired but get energized as the morning wears on. During the morning we meet many older people who like us, recall the good and patriotic days of the last century. Many of us attended the one room country schools of that era and realized the love of God and His place in our world. A time when life was real and earnest…and we did not have a lot of modern conveniences so we depended on the one true God to get us through. Our joy came, not from expensive toys and gadgets, but being able to get through them with the help of One who has all power.

This last Saturday at the Market, it was fascinating to see young children between 5 months and a year, staring at all of us through big eyes of wonderment, trying to figure out the complexities of living in their world of today. If they live as long as we have, what will they find this world to be like? I wonder.

A friend of mine, Maxine, has a booth on the other side of ours. It really makes the morning go fast, as we get to visit in between and share many of life’s happenings along the way. Many times when you are not really noticing it, you are helping someone along the way when you share how God is helping you in different situations. We can rejoice knowing someone else is experiencing God’s help.

Towards the end of our market on Saturday, a very sweet, loving Christian lady came by our booth and encouraged us with her words. It makes one realize how that we can help those we come in contact with by encouraging each other.

Life has been full of complexities and different-sized problems and it’s probably due to all the things that are happening. We had a problem from time to time with our phone and computer line and it did cause me some anxious moments. We do think we got it taken care of now and that will be so pleasant to be able to work on it when I have time.

As you are reading this column today, we will be welcoming our son John David and his wife Carol home for their yearly visit. This will also be the time he will be speaking at our Young at Heart Ministries meeting at the Delos Smith Center, 101 West First, on Thursday, June 23, from 10-11:15 a.m.. He will be telling us about his work as a chaplain at the Pinellas County Jail in Clearwater. Florida. I have heard some of his experiences and find it very fascinating when men accept Christ when they are in jail. I guess sometimes you have to come to the end of your own rope. Anyways, we hope to see you there. If you are over 55, you are cordially invited. We would love to meet all of you.  I know you will enjoy it!

Doris appreciates your comments and can be reached at [email protected]


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