‘Don’t Break The Eggs’

A Cowboy’s Faith


“Eggs are getting too high priced to eat.”
That’s been heard several times in recent weeks, but with farm groups threatening investigation there has been some price softening.
Not official, but seemingly most people like to eat eggs. That might be good because scientifically there apparently are many health benefits in eggs.
They’re nutrient dense, low calories, high protein, ample vitamin D, help prevent strokes, and heart healthy, among other positives. It used to be said, “They’re affordable,” but that’s not been the latest opinion.
Growing up in a grocery store, eggs were purchased in 30-dozen egg cases from farmers. Dad candled the eggs for quality, weighed, packaged, applied government-grade seal, and sold to the public by the single dozen.
Regular price six decades ago was about 39-cents a dozen, more, less. Last week, some stores had eggs advertised for $7 a dozen.
Personally, eggs were never appetizing, regardless how prepared, even when forced to eat so could go fishing. However, there’ve been plenty of “egg” experiences.
Eggs were gathered out of Grandma’s chicken house hen nests. Cardboard egg cases were carried into the grocery store cooler.
Of course, Dad was assisted candling, packaging, price stamping, selling, and carrying packaged eggs in grocery sacks to customer cars. Even won five district poultry judging contests with egg candling-grading divisions.
Must be clarified now that despite popularity of egg eating, there are downsides. Eggs are high in cholesterol, increase diabetes, and have been associated with cancers of the prostate, bladder, and breast.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been requested to examine price gouging by top egg companies. Trade groups are concerned because American consumers are now paying more than ever for the household food staple.
Regulators, farmers, and industry have often argued about power of certain firms setting prices and driving up grocery prices.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has pointed to a record outbreak of avian flu as a reason for the high prices. However, Cal-Maine Foods, major egg producer, increased profits 600-percent last year but had no positive avian flu tests.
Humpty Dumpty is holding tight on the wall.
Reminded of Jeremiah 17:11: “Like the bird that hatches eggs which she has not laid. The producer who makes a fortune in unjust ways will surely lose it before his days are over.”

A dozen eggs in a carton is now being advertised for as much as $7.


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