A view from the Hills


Steve Jobs

Now I have ben hole up for a couple of years not going anywhere much beside doctors offices. When the China virus hit the bed and breakfast business pretty well died so contact with people was pretty well shut down. Yet through it all and faithfully taking my Elderberry juice I thought I might skate through the Pandemic. All summer and Fall Barber County had only had about seven cases and one death. Right after the first of the year (no I did not even stay up for New Years) I started to feel bad. I did what I normally do, sleep it off. For four days I slept about fifteen hours a day. I started to tell mom that in the morning I was going to call the doctor to see if I could get in.

The next thing I remember is being in the back of an ambulance. Since I doctor in Pratt they had called ahead that I was coming in. Just before we got to the ER the EMS crew was told that they just shut down the hospital and I could not be unloaded there. So they turned around and took me to Medicine Lodge. There they did the quick test and confirmed I was radioactive with the China bug, They gave me the first of five IV’s that you get with it. Now IV does not come easy for me. I am still carrying the bruises of all the sticks that were attempted on me. Then it was two hours waiting to find out where they could send me. For 99% of transfers from Medicine Lodge go to Wichita, but not for the China virus. Our most recent critical patient was flown to Topeka. They came in and told me I was going to Hays.

Two and a half hours on my side (I can’t lay on my back) to Hays. I had no idea that Hays was a part of the KU Medical Center system. I remember the tracks at Pratt, the lousy round-a-bout at US 281 & 50 highway, was beaten to death going through Great Bend. I could not appreciate I-70 because I hurt so bad. I did not think the halls would end by the time I got in the elevator going up to acute care where I had a room overlooking a parking lot. It was two days before that turkey roosting on that light pole turned out to be a light fixture turned away from me. I had great care at Hays. When it was time to be released we found that the bag that was sent with me did not contain a pair of pants. The patient advocate found a pair of new sweats that I could squeeze into to go home.

I had so many doctors, nurses, aides, and cleaning workers come through my room I cannot begin to remember names. I do remember great concern and care. And even food that was a bit above any hospital food I have had before.

When my cousin, who lives at Hays, loaded me up for the trip home my phone rang. Mom said as I was driving south to wave at dad who they just loaded on the Life Flight to come to Hays also.

When you are over the China virus you do not spread it anymore, but, it takes your energy away. I am grateful for Mike and the folks at the Rural Messenger for dealing with my absence. After the move from the ranch I am finally able to get in the office. The office is a disaster and I don’t think I will ever get the boxes unpacked. When I get one box unpacked I feel like I won a battle but lost the war.

As for the politics of the China virus we will be dealing with it for years. At least if they have their way.


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