Laugh Tracks of the Dust


Behold the county agricultural agent
Socially upstanding, man or woman of toil.
Their knowledge covers everything
From helping people to tilling the soil.

And this knowledge they dispense
Every hour of every day,
To folks around their county
Who bring aggie problems their way.

Animal care and crops diseases,
Home gardening and pesticides.
These are just a sample
Of things on which they decide.

Night meetings, Saturdays, and Sundays, too.
That’s the schedule of their fate.
And the reason for their reddened eyes
And why they get to the office late.

They take research to the people
But, when in practice it turns out bad.
They’re the folks who takes the rap,
And not the guy in the lab.

And through it all ag production grows
And problems continually unravel.
In direct relation to the time they spend
And the number of miles they travel (on gravel).
Now the home agent’s primary program is people.
Young, old, rich, poor, black and white.
Helping them take better stock of themselves
And make lots more of their lives.

Her on-going program is individual …
And group … teaching of homemaking skills.
But more and more she finds herself
Involved in society’s ills.

Broken homes, malnutrition, the polluted environment,
To these things she gives her attention.
As well as a wide variety of others
That are just too numerous to mention.

Her reward comes in knowing she’s helped many others
By satisfying their need for learning.
In making homes more pleasant and lives more happy,
By helping folks stretch their earnings.

Now the 4-H youth agents’ program is straight from the heart
Their work has invaluable meaning.
In helping your youngsters find out for themselves
Which direction in life they are leaning.

By leading them through their project work,
Kids develop and sharpen their wits
And teaching the value of the worthwhile things
Creates leaders and develops good citizenship.

And through it all they’re diplomats
Soothing parents whose kids haven’t won.
‘Cause the parents have labored and done the work
That their kid should have actually done.

But take a close look and you’ll usually see
An agent who loves kids and truly cares
So, they find more time to spend with your own
Than they manage to find for theirs.

Now add up all three — ag, home ec, and youth
And see what they end up giving.
There seems little question — counties where they work
Are a much better places for living.
Words of wisdom for the week: “I’m getting tired of being a part of a major historical event.”
Have a good ‘un.


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