Be Wise as a serpent, Harmless as a dove


 By Sandra Coleman

Some years ago Historian William Federer presented a discussion of his book What Every American Should Know about the Qur’an at the Eagle Forum Summit. He clearly explained the chaotic confusion about Islam, a self-proclaimed religion of peace. Islam is a religion. In addition it is, and always has been, a political system and a military system.

To understand Islam, one must look at its founder, Mohamed. This man started out in 610 AD as a religious leader,  and over a period of twelve years, won around 70 followers.

During this period he wrote some of the Qur’an, all verses advocating peace. Later Mohamed became a political leader and eventually a military leader, who fought in 66 battles before he died. Many of the verses he wrote during this stage of his life were brutal demands for violence. Hence one can take the Qur’an today and point to both the spirit of kindness and also to the death threats to the infidel.

Peace to a Muslim is the entire world living in submission to Allah. This event will be ushered in by a final battle. Moderate Muslims most likely believe this but dismiss the battle as something  that will not happen in their lifetimes. If we cluelessly dismiss the spread of Islam and allow Isis to gain power, these moderate Muslims may begin to re-think their doctrines and assume the battle is before them now.

Who is the perfect Muslim? Mohamed. He, a commander who led armies, killed thousands, including innocents, owned slaves, had multiple wives, tortured, lied, forced people to follow him, and justified rape.

Who is the perfect Christian? Jesus, a Savior who killed no one but laid down His life to save many, led no armies, never married, never owned slaves, never lied, “I am the Way the Truth and the Life,”condemned rape, and rose from the dead.  Jesus summed up all the Commandments into one.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart so that you may love your neighbor as yourself.”

Think about it.

You can find the original book review here:


  1. Saying that Muslims could reconsider their doctrine is no different than saying Christians could reconsider theirs. It is a statement made on perception, not fact. Christianity itself started as a call to freedom from true debts and should hardly be considered something other than a religious, political and militant movement. Furthermore, Isis embodies a perverse interpretation of the Qu’ran and has been able to capitalize on areas heavily oppressed by western culture. Isis is not a reflection of the spread of Islam. Would you blame the KKK on the spread of Christianity?

    • Thank you for a cogent reply. I would agree that many Christians also have distorted the True Gospel and indeed need to reconsider the validity of their doctrines. If you view the video, you will find that Mr. Federer certainly present a lot of facts to justify his perception.


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