Roger's View from the Hills



Jesus Christ

Amid all the hustle and bustle of Christmas the world looks away at the reason that we celebrate. Politicians can scheme, elitists make plans for your future, manipulation of money occupies the few who control it and those who take it away. Churches are planning special services, news people find it loath to feature good stories that detract them from spreading fear. Kids from one to 21 are dreaming about how much is given to them as the retailers fill the shelves with things that are not needed. Mom’s, grandma’s, and aunts are busy making a feast to put before people that they only see three times a year. People confined to nursing homes and hospitals hope that someone comes to visit. Schools and factories are looking forward to some time off.

Do you ever stop and just listen to the birds singing? While I was penning this I heard a big flock of geese fly over, a sound that I have not heard much this year. Do you think of the voice of God and you listen in a storm or strong wind and yet you hear it when there is just a whisper in a quiet breeze? I am thinking of what the man who discovered and brought the sound of the common people to the radio and records said; “we have two ears and one mouth, we should use each proportionally.”

I have many friends that have written and recorded wonderful songs for the Christmas season and it is nice to have it on in the background. Buy you need to take the time to stop and listen without something making sound. It is inquiet that we hear God speaking to us. Remember what was said? They look and they do not see, hear but they do not listen.

Why don’t you take some time and open the family bible and read, then close your eyes. Take time out of the day to read it to others. Sit and contemplate all the good things you have in your life then share the blessings. There is much to learn by sitting quiet and meditate on what has happened, what is happening, and what is ahead. Does it take special effort to hear your name and say ‘speak Lord, your servant is listening’?

May you and yours have a blessed Christmas.


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