Carrot Cake

The Covered Dish


The column is going to be short this week as I am overwhelmed with things on the home-front. My dad, Jerry, passed on to glory this past Thursday and we are preparing for his celebration of life. At the family breakfast we are actually serving his favorite cake, carrot cake. I’ve become acquainted with a very special bakery in Quincy, Illinois this past week. ‘Underbrinks’ made us some beautiful baked goods to serve during the visitation. While we were there I even picked up ‘bobber’ cookies to go with the fishing pole theme.

Like myself, dad was a coffee ‘hound’. Always seeking out a great cup of coffee. We start the day with coffee, break in the afternoon for a sweet with coffee and round up the evening with a cup of decaf. So, the ‘bobber’ cookies go with the cup of coffee I’m placing near him at the services.

Like many of you I’ve tried to create a celebration of life that would use many members of our family, not just the minister. It feels like all of us are giving him a powerful send off. We’re even having grits for breakfast, another of his favorites.

OK gang the clock is ticking for me, and I’ve got much to do before morning. Try the recipe, I guess the apple doesn’t far from the tree because carrot cake is my favorite cake too! Simply yours, The Covered Dish.

Carrot Cake

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 cup whole wheat flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

2 teaspoons cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

1/2 teaspoon ground cloves

1 cup white sugar

1 cup packed brown sugar

3/4 cup light vegetable oil, canola

1 cup white sugar

1 cup buttermilk

4 eggs, beaten

2 cups grated carrots

1 (8.5 ounce) can crushed pineapple, drained.

(This is actually about 5-6 ounces of pineapple.)

1/2 cup chopped toasted pecans

1/2 cup coconut (optional)

1/2 cup – 1 cup raisins, could soak ahead of time

1 medium-large orange, zested into batter, or about 2 tablespoons

Mix all dry ingredients together in a large bowl blending with a whisk. In a separate bowl bring the oil into the white and brown sugar, gradually add din the buttermilk and eggs. Stir the mixture into the dry ingredients. The carrots, pineapple, pecans, coconut, raisins and zest can be added into the batter at the very end.

To give your cake a little kick considers soaking the raisins overnight in a nice rum before bringing them into the recipe.

When baking a tiered cake, I usually start with 2 cups in each tier and then div ide the remaining dough evenly.

Makes (1) 9 x 13 pan or 3 nine-inch rounds, greased. Bake in 350-degree oven for 35-40 minutes with the 9 x 13. With the rounds bake for about 25 minutes.

Cream Cheese Icing

(One batch is fine for 9 x 13, but a tiered cake will need a double batch.)

2 cups powdered sugar (one pound)

1/2 stick softened butter (1/4 cup)

8 ounces softened cream cheese

1 teaspoon vanilla

Orange zest to taste, approx. 2 teaspoons

Additional pecan pieces to sprinkle over icing, if desired.

9 x 13 or (3) inch rounds, greased.


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