Bulls Must Romance Cows

A Cowboy’s Faith


“Cows will never have a calf if they don’t have intimate lovemaking with a bull.”
For a cowherd to make profits for a ranch, cows must have calves.

All the long-drawn-out discussions about bull performance data, pedigree and production ability are fine and good. They are important, but the most essential ingredient is that the bull gets cows bred.

On the forefront, it sounds simple, but many factors come into the equation for this to happen.

Most importantly, the bull must be fertile. Just because a bull sired a pasture full of calves on the ground this spring doesn’t mean anything now. Many things could have happened since the bull bred cows last year, and he has become infertile.

A bull may have been injured by the last cow he mated. Injuries to his breeding system could have occurred while fighting with other cattle. An accident could have injured the bull while grazing rough pasture terrain.

Freezing cold winter temperatures can have negative impact on a bull’s breeding soundness. The list goes on and on.

So, every bull going out with cows to be bred to raise calves must have a breeding soundness check. That is easier said than done.

Bulls must be rounded up for a qualified veterinarian to do the examination. Most bulls do not like the procedure, which certain people might even consider inhumane, but it is required.

Size of the two oval breeding organs that produce semen is taken into consideration. Typically, the bigger the better, but that doesn’t always hold true. Little ones sometimes are more productive than big ones, and swelling can enlarge the organs to detriment as well.

Male reproductive fluid must be transferred from the bull to the cow through the natural insemination process. This will not occur if the transferring organ cannot be extended.
The male reproductive fluid must be alive and mobile to fertilize eggs in the cows.

If there are problems with the bull, medical treatment sometimes including surgery might cure the ailment. Often, the bull must be sold and replaced.

Additional factors must also be considered to help ensure that cows become safe with calf.
Reminded that “bull” is mentioned 193 times in the Bible, generally as a powerful symbol of sacrifice. Truly, cowherd profits are sacrificed if the bull isn’t working right.



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