When you are young and still living at home, it should be a good time in your life, but there are always things to deal with,

such as deciding what to do with the rest of your life. I was fortunate to grow up in a Christian home home, and our faith was deep,

but there was still turmoil as with most families.


For many, life will be a battle due to the choices we make, the roads we follow, our friends, our opportunities, and our general environment.  God gave us a free will, and we may think we have chose something good which later proves to be unsatisfactory for us.  When we’re forced to make a better choice, it many, or may not be, exactly right.  With patience and vigilance, we continue to recognize better opportunities as they present themselves.


Many are born into wealthy families and their lives are predetermined. Their education is based on continuing the family business or maintaining their estates.  They still live with relationship problems, and there is always conflict on how things should be done.


I’ll bet other entrepreneurs have had similar experiences to mine when they share their idea about starting a particular business or design.  They may have been met with “That’s been tried before,” or ”You can’t do that.” However, I have found, if I share my plans with successful people, they will encourage me or even give me a few ideas to make it work. Some people simply don’t want another to succeed. I would like to see everyone succeed and be happy.


Telsa had so many ideas, he just gave many away. He gave the patent on alternating current to George Westinghouse.  The whole world mostly runs on ac current. The idea was worth trillions.

Marconi was given credit for the short wave radio, but he used 17 of Telsa’s patents on it. Telsa’s ideas were used to develop the TV remotes, cell phone and many other devices, which were spinoffs of his patents and ideas. Thomas Edison never could understand the value of Telsa’s brillance.  It’s been said that Edison was not intelligent enough to carry Tesla’s briefcase.

The U.S. government raided Telsa’s living quarters and took all his files after he died so we will never really know the true scope of his God given ability and genius.

When you see a successful person, you may think they have it made, but may never know the price they have paid for their success.  Some have a vision and will buy the field in which is the “pearl of great price.” We must be careful what we wish for. The Bible asks “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but suffers the loss of his soul?’


“When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all he has and buys it.” Matthew 13:46



by Joe Kahnke


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