Appreciation Recognition Given By Morris County 4-H Foundation

Down the Draw


Recognition for support of the 4-H program in Morris County was highlight of the recent Morris County 4-H Foundation Banquet at Council Grove.
“Growth in the Morris County 4-H Foundation assistance has been through annual giving with incentive recognitions,” said Larry Johnson, foundation president.
“Families often designate memorials to the foundation in honor of their lost loved ones who had fond experiences through the 4-H program,” he pointed out.
Plaques were presented in memory of Ellen Lentell, Patron Award, and Teresa Disberger, Silver Award.
There is permanent recognition on large plaques displayed in the Morris County Courthouse.
Tokens of appreciation were presented to those who have given different levels of support.
Patron Award: Carl and Mariann Jarboe, Matt, Heidi and Hudson Lange, Powell Body Shop, and Sister Act Photography Jan Troxell.
Bronze Award: Mary Collins, Suzanne Muller Hockett, Cindy and Doug Jensen; and Marjorie Murphy.
Silver Award: Flint Hills Rural Electric, Kay and Liz Hutchinson, Kevin and Mary Ann Kniebel, Stacey R. and Tiffany Lee, James and Blanche Martin, Ray’s Apple Market, and U.S. Stone Industries.
Larry and Linda Johnson received the Gold Award.
Program featured 2022 Citizenship Washington Focus attendees. They included Castyn Andres, Mark Andres, Gavin Carson, Ian Effland; Colter Johnson, Jacob Kasten, and Gus Wainwright. They received financial assistance to attend the seminar from the Morris County 4-H Foundation.
Annually, the Morris County 4-H Foundation presents scholarships recognizing achievements of county 4-H club members to further their education.
Last year’s recipients were Mark Andres, Carissa Dalquest, Rylee Powell, and Anna Schrader.
“Supported strictly by member donations, the Morris County 4-H Foundation was formed 46 years ago,” Johnson said. “Financial support is given so more 4-H members can attend camps, leadership seminars, judging competitions, and additional life building opportunities.
“All donations to the Morris County 4-H Foundation remain in the county and are used only for Morris County 4-H Club members working hard ‘To Make the Best Better,’ the 4-H motto,” Johnson added.
Rocky Beck, Clay Dalquest, and Valerie Woodall were elected to three-year terms as trustees of the Morris County 4-H Foundation. Additional trustees are Frank Buchman, Larry Landgren, Mason Lee, and Cynthia Schrader.


In attendance receiving donation incentive recognition at the Morris County 4-H Foundation Banquet were Mary Collins, Bronze Award; Larry and Linda Johnson, Gold Award; Liz and Kay Hutchinson, Silver Award; and Mariann and Carl Jarboe, Patron Award. (Photo by Shandi Andres.)


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