Apple raisin dressing,

The Covered Dish


A week of new beginnings. For the first time, since moving to the Ozarks, I got to attend the Veteran’s Day parade in Branson. It was a time for community, reflection and thanks. I don’t think I’ve ever thanked so many veterans in one day. My friend was in the parade and got to experience a completely different viewpoint. If you’re ever looking for a good time to be in Branson, this was one of them. Always on the 11th of November, starting at 11 seconds after the hour.

It was the first week of a new job. An extremely rewarding and busy time. On Sunday my family and a few friends helped move furniture, into my office. It’s starting to feel like home away from home. By the end of the week I should be totally squared away except for a couple more additions to the walls.

If you’re tired of the standard dressing reach for something a little more unique, with the apple raisin dressing recipe. It would be spectacular with grilled pork or chicken. There are so many different stuffing recipes presented in the traditional American Thanksgiving. Mine is usually the more standard fare, made predominantly with bread. Southwest areas frequently find a base of only cornbread, others are a mix between the two. There’s no reason why the celery and onion can’t be chopped ahead of time and put in the freezer. I don’t always sauté mine before baking, but many cooks do. Make sure there’s plenty of sage on hand too.

Keep in mind the history behind ‘dressing’ and ‘stuffing’, they are one and the same. The dish was called ‘stuffing’ until the Victorian era, they felt the name was in poor taste, so they changed it to ‘dressing’. It has absolutely nothing to do with whether it’s baked in a pan or stuffed inside the bird.

This week is a good time to clean out the refrigerator and start making lists for the 4 days, of the holiday weekend. Mine started over the weekend, and tomorrow I’ll reorganize it once again. The purpose is to not only to stay organized, but to allow more time with family. As I’ve said a multitude of times, cooking is time consuming, if we’re organized it will leave more time for sitting and enjoying the family.

While I was in Branson this past week I had the most succulent ice cream dessert. I enjoyed a salted caramel pumpkin pie, at the local Culver’s store. Oh my goodness, it was totally heaven. Try this treat during the holidays for an outstanding adventure.

The clock is ticking and it’s time to close for the week. Stay safe, my friends, use extra caution with handwashing and wear those masks!

Simply yours, The Covered Dish.

PS: Make sure you have plenty of au jus for the gravy and dressing!

Apple Raisin Dressing

4 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup finely diced celery
1/2 cup finely diced onions
2 boxes stuffing mix (Approx. 12 oz. each, include seasonings)*
18 ounces chicken stock, (Have extra on hand.)
1-2 apples of choice, diced
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup dry cherries, optional
Salt & Pepper to taste

Options: Different fruits, sausage and other meats, nuts or additional spices.
Turkey or Herb stuffing mixes are also a good choice.

Sauté celery and onions in 4 tablespoons of butter. Mix vegetables into stuffing mixes along with the apples, raisins and dry cherries. Warm the stock and slowly pour over entire mixture. Sample recipe and add salt and pepper as needed. Always be ready with extra stock as every time you make a dressing it will change. Make sure ingredients are wet. Pour into a 9 x 13 baking dish, baking at 350 degrees for around 45 minutes. The wetter the dressing the longer it may need to bake. Serves 8-9 persons.


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