A note to Millennials


To the young people who we sometimes refer to as millennials, or generation Y who are out there rioting in the streets because they are upset about the election: If you’re afraid for your safety after this election:  GOOD! Take a good look at the consequences of trying to reshape basic human nature with slogans and insults.

By flirting with socialism you may have just unleashed demons inside of everyone that you can”t possibly understand. There are some people out there who say that there is still time to bottle the demons you’ve unleashed by your hubris and stupidity. I’m not sure about that.

But there may still be time to stop making it worse and start preparing for what is coming.  Start thinking about what it means that the people you used to count on to bend over backwards in the name of decency have stopped CARING about your tantrums.  You have pushed them too far and now they are pushing back.  And they are stronger than you.

Remember all those crimes you accuse them of?  The only thing keeping them from committing the same against YOU is their benevolence and remnants of hope that America isn’t gone forever.  Most of them are fiercly patriotic and they will do whatever they can to save this country.  But they can only do so much.

Of course, most of you who are claiming to be ‘afraid’ are just resorting to the usual emotional blackmail that has worked again and again.  You trust so deeply in the unlimited goodness of the people you’re reviling that you imagine that there will never be any REAL consequences for your actions. You’re just going to cry harder and scream louder and surely, out of their paternal goodness those you presume to hate and despise will give in again.

But those people don’t have an unlimited tolerance for your vilification.  Keep making them angry, and they WILL stop treating you like children and start treating you like enemies. Do you understand what those people are capable of doing to those they regard as enemies?  These are the people built Americas status as the world’s only superpower.

Many of you out there rioting have posters and slogans claiming to want a confrontation.  Even to welcome one.  But if you really believed that then you would prepare to ACTUALLY FIGHT or you’d shut up.  Because the ability to ACTUALLY FIGHT only exists on one side, and it isn’t yours.

Those people making conciliatory gestures? It’s not because they are afraid to fight, or think they can’t win but because they don’t want blood on their hands if they can avoid it.


It’s now up to you.



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