“Certain people become mentors positively directing every endeavor and decision.”
Reminder of that came during a recent visit to the Morrison Ranch operated by Gordon and Janet Morrison south of Concordia.
Of course, parents and other immediate family impact life’s direction beginning and throughout.
Yet, Mr. Morrison, now 93-years-old, has also been a major influencer of which fork-in-the-road to be taken throughout maturity.
Vocational agriculture instructor, Gordon Morrison wearing flip-brim felt hat and pantlegs in boots came through the grocery store backdoor. He’d go out carrying a 30-dozen crate of eggs borrowed to train his high school poultry judging teams.
Then Mr. Morrison was the grade school Sunday School teacher requiring learning Bible verses every week. Poor student often didn’t get the assignment done, but memorable times remain of Sunday School class get-togethers.
Insistent upon the grocery store carryout boy enrolling in high school agriculture classes, Mr. Morrison never imagined where that’d go. Wannabe cowboys don’t have shopwork ability, but Mr. Morrison was patient teaching him to weld.
What excited the town kid most was agriculture meetings, writing stories about them and compiling for perpetuity. That led to school and community newspaper writing and eventually lifetime communications career.
With Mr. Morrison’s guidance, the FFA chapter was honored as the best in the state and nation. Before long, the outstanding teacher was offered promotion to become a college instructor.
Contact remained with his former students as Mr. Morrison was recognized for educating on a higher level. More than agriculture, he also taught chemistry and biology classes.
Despite family setbacks, Mr. Morrison was rancher-at-heart and developed an amazing ranching operation. Retiring early from being an educator to a fulltime professional, he continued ranch expansion.
Christmas letters were so inspirational, Mr. Morrison was encouraged to write a weekly newspaper column printing for 25 years. Widely popular his stories were compiled into a book that remains in high demand.
Frequent calls were made to Mr. Morrison seeking advice on what to do in major ranch and family queries. Forever, response was always from-the-heart ripened with wisdom backed by strong faith.
Reminded of James 5:10: “Take the older ones as your mentors. They put up with anything, went through everything, and never once quit, all the time honoring God. What a gift life is to those who stay the course.”
A Lifetime Positive Influence
A Cowboy’s Faith