Father Always Best Man


A Cowboy’s Faith

By Frank J. Buchman

“He was the best man in the world.”

With Father’s Day coming up, appropriate to acknowledge the significance of all fathers.

Perhaps seeming discernibly snide, nobody would be here without a father.

Before Dad’s exclusive uniqueness has been reflected in heartfelt admiration. Every father is different and generally better understood often more appreciated as children increase maturity.

Yes, Dad was the “best man” assuredly standing beside his son for an only child’s wedding. That is not common but so right because Dad was the best friend too.

Always the One first sought for advice forever confided in whatever the situation, question or need.

Married already a decade and 40-years-old when his son was born, Dad was everything in so many ways.

Dad’s most noticeable characteristic was having only one hand. Whenever little kids stared at his left arm stub, hand missing, Dad always jived: “Laura Mae (Mom) bit it off.” Then he’d reach into the meat case pull out a raw wiener handing it for the smiling little one to eat.

Actually the hand was lost in a five-foot Allis Chalmers combine accident during the mid-’40s. Dad got his left hand caught and mangled while attempting to free the combine canvas jammed by stalks being harvested.

Obviously a serious painful permanent handicap, Dad never let it slow him down or ever indicated the slightest remorse. There wasn’t much of anything Dad couldn’t do. Truthfully more than most men and a lot more than his son would ever think of doing.

One thing was never really thought about until pointed out recently by another cowboy friend, a groomsman that wedding day. “I remember your Dad always one-handed lighting his pipe with a match while riding his horse in the parade.” The remembrance makes a son’s heart skip a beat.

Dad was a cowboy recognized far and wide for early days horseback abilities with unmatched skilled bravery.

Originally a farmer-stockman becoming a grocery store meat cutter for profession, Dad was deadeye quail hunting one-handed with his 12-gauge. In those days, Dad could fix anything mechanical and was demanded for constructing many wooden kitchen cabinets.

Gone nearly four decades, not a day goes by that his son doesn’t think “How would Dad have done this?”

Reminded of Matthew 23:9: “You have only one father only one life leader.”




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