Masks Serve A Purpose



A Cowboy’s Faith

By Frank J. Buchman

Masks Serve A Purpose

“I’m not going to wear a mask; it’s a free country I can do what I want to do.”

Semblance of that comment often angrily loud has been similar responses aired since rulings regarding the worldwide health shutdown.

Each to one’s own opinion there are legitimate arguments favoring masking guidelines.

Truly a controversial order merit of questioning legitimacy whether masks do truly lower risk of contracting illness.

However, it’s always better to be on the cautious side than sorry later. Furthermore, when one does and one doesn’t wear a mask success of the effort sharply deteriorates.

Debatable maybe but those not wearing face coverage become liable in a sense they could be harming the rest of society.

Heartfelt prayer is for medical control of the serious health problem so nobody needs to protect themselves or others.

Not even considered in the equation is fact that masks over faces have nearly forever been a part of society.

Masks come in wide variations and are worn for a highly diverse number of individual preferences.

Most important reason for anyone to wear a mask is personal safety, exactly why there are such federal mandates today.

Working cowboys have long worn facial covering for protection. That is a bandana or scarf shrouding the face over the nose, mouth and ears for protection from the elements

Heath ailments from blowing dust, snow, extreme cold and other uncontrollable acts of Mother Nature are reduced with these “masks.”

Bandits, especially in movies, and sometimes in real life then and now, wear covers over their faces to hide identify. It could work in certain instances.

Of course, nose covering masks with eye openings gaining notoriety by the make-believe Lone Ranger are somewhat common. Many little kids growing up in the 1950s had such masks to play like their cowboy hero.

Those masquerading for parties sometimes wear similar-type masks. Wide variations of masks are worn at Halloween and for other parties.

Stocking caps with only eye and breathing openings are masks-of-sort providing protection from elements.

Gas masks were widespread wartime protection from enemy attacks. Many professions today require masks for defense against work hazards.

Discussion can continue, but logic prevails wearing a mask is safer than not.

Reminded of Second Corinthians 4:2: “Don’t refuse wearing masks by word twisting, but open up the truth.”




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