Jinny Hopp, former Human Development Specialist, Jasper County, University of Missouri Extension
Research in the area of sleep has determined that as many as two-thirds...
Ashley Gibbons, former MU Extension Dietetic Intern & Candance Gabel, MS, RD, LD, University of Missouri Extension
We live in a culture saturated with unrealistic...
Joyce Cavanagh, Ph.D., former Consumer & Family Economics State Specialist, College of Human Environmental Sciences, University of Missouri Extension
Do you plan on saving a...
Tammy Roberts, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, Bates County, University of Missouri Extension
For many people, the cold winter weather is a reason not to...
Adapted from MU Office for Financial Success Tip of the Week blog post by Andrew Zumwalt, Assistant Extension Professor & Associate State Specialist, Personal...
Tammy Roberts, MS, RD, LD, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, Bates County, University of Missouri Extension
On February 14 there are lots of gifts exchanged...
Story contact: Emily Martin, MU News Bureau; Sources: University of Missouri Extension specialists
Frigid weather may seem like a good excuse to avoid workouts, stay...
Story source: Brenda Procter, M.S., State Specialist & Instructor, Personal Financial Planning, University of Missouri Extension
The ball at Times Square had barely touched bottom...
Christeena Haynes, MS, RD, LD, former Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, Dallas County, University of Missouri Extension
Many people have questions about the storage of...