Evelyn Marie Jacobson, 82, of McPherson, KS, passed away Sunday, January 31, 2021, at Kenwood View Health & Rehabilitation Center, Salina. Funeral arrangements are...
This event will be February 24-25, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (CST). Through panels and facilitated workshops, participants will discuss and identify actionable activities and priorities...
January Lunch & Learn
with Professor Riney-Kehrberg
“Agriculture is more than an industry; it is a way of life. Throughout our history, the family farm has...
By Tom Salisbury, Region 7 Administrator,
U.S. Small Business Administration
If you are a small business still struggling, call your lender immediately! You may be eligible...
MANHATTAN, Kan. – It has been said that, often, the devil is in the details.
Kansas 4-H youth development specialist Amy Sollock figures that’s likely...