Amanda Miller
Lettuce Eat Local
“At last the great moment arrived. A delicious odor was wafted upon the autumn breeze. Everywhere the barnyard citizens sniffed the...
Richard Shank
Alf Landon by Richard Shank
With the chaos and confusion so common with American politics these days
made me wonder what would Kansas’ legendary governor...
“I’m Gonna Get a Rabbit…”
By Dawn Phelps
Samuel Timothy Elliott, my oldest grandson, was born in 1997 about nine years before my...
Lovina’s Amish Kitchen
Lovina Eitcher,
Old Order Amish
Cook, Wife &
Mother of Eight
I want to write this column before I leave this morning. Daughter Loretta and I...
Lovina’s Amish Kitchen
Lovina Eitcher,
Old Order Amish
Cook, Wife &
Mother of Eight
It is almost 6 A.M. on this Tuesday morning. It is warm weather for February...
Christopher Auner
Humanities Kansas
February 18th is Pluto Day, the 95th anniversary of Kansan Clyde Tombaugh’s discovery of Pluto. In commemoration, HK is sharing this essay,...