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Steve Gilliland


Let the Show Begin

The shows on this stage have always been more than spectacular and tonight’s performances even exceeded our expectations. A bumbling pair of wild turkeys opened the...

Only in America

If I ever have the opportunity to write full-time for my living, I plan to author a second column entitled “Only in America” about...

Tricks for Ticks

My wife’s dislike of ticks is legendary around our house. A friend of ours who mows around an old abandoned farmstead noticed recently that this...

Smelling Double?

I wonder how many of you realize there are two different skunk species living in Kansas; the Striped Skunk with which we are very familiar,...

If You Love them, then leave them.

One of our city employees called me at work today to tell me that an owl was perched in a tree in the city park...

Kansas Wildlife CSI

A coworker recently told me she saw her horses chasing a couple animals across her pasture that were dark, about the size of raccoons, and...

Spring Turkey Hunting Sickness

Ok, I’ve got to admit I’ve been looking forward to spring turkey season, but the feeling barely rated a tingle and was certainly nothing close...

Good Sticks, Cow Poop and Sheds, Oh My!

We had our grandson Jacob Friesen for the afternoon and night, and we always try to plan some “in-the-woods” time when he’s here. We needed...

Do We Really Need this? Maybe so

There is an old adage that says if you drop a frog into boiling water it will immediately jump out, but if you put that...

R U a Road-Kill Griller?

Considering the agendas of certain conniving politicians that would like nothing better than to (attempt) to take my guns away, or at very least, close...

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