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Steve Gilliland


Veterans Day

Steve Gilliland Columnist I come from a family where many have served in the military in one way, shape or form. My dad was an infantryman...

Boo at the Zoo

Well, it’s trick-or-treat time again, in fact, by the time you’re reading this, it will be over. In my day, living in the country,...

Getting Permission should be your Mission

One particular landowner who allowed me to trap for several years always asked me where on his land I would be trapping, and my...

Deer Hunting, Old School

Sometimes as I conjure up Google or check Fox News or the 7-day weather forecast on my smart phone, all while sitting in the...

Hunting with Her

The first few years Joyce and I were married I traveled to southwestern Kansas to hunt deer on ground operated by her uncle. After...

Does the Length of the Day Cause Your Body to Obey?

Every living thing has an internal clock of some sort that helps regulate its life. It’s what tells butterflies and birds when to migrate...

Alright, Fair Enough!

Over the years I’ve written this column my wife has tried numerous times to get me to fan-out into genres other than the outdoors,...

Trapping Apologetics

I love the Kansas State Fair and I love talking to people about trapping, so I spend some time each year at the Kansas...

Hummingbirds, God’s Little Fairies

Each year here in Inman, we see one or two hummingbirds in the spring or in the fall, then we’ll hustle to get a...

In Praise of Cabins

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become less a fan of primitive camping, but I love the rental cabins placed in our Kansas State Parks....

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