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John Marshall

John Marshall is the retired editor-owner of the Lindsborg (Kan.) News-Record (2001-2012), and for 27 years (1970-1997) was a reporter, editor and publisher for publications of the Hutchinson-based Harris Newspaper Group. He has been writing about Kansas people, government and culture for more than 40 years, and currently writes a column for the News-Record and The Rural Messenger. He lives in Lindsborg with his wife, Rebecca, and their 21 year-old African-Grey parrot, Themis.

Christmas season, prayers for peace

Concerts of the Smoky Valley Men’s Choir happen only every odd-numbered year, in conjunction with Hyllningsfest, thus are rare and beautiful events. A feature of their...


  Celebrations are planned in 2019 for a sesquicentennial, the 150th birthday of the founding of Lindsborg and to recognize communities in the Smoky Valley that help...

Smoky Valley Men’s Choir: part of Old Fashioned Christmas

First the details: The Smoky Valley Men’s Choir will perform at 7 p.m. Saturday, December 9, at the Swedish Pavilion in Heritage Square north of the...

Religion and politics, oil and water

  The moral morass of Roy Moore, and the political wars foaming out of it, are a striking reminder why politics and religion are a terrible mix....

Glen Suppes, his promise for the next generations

The Kansas School Superintendents Association has selected John Allison, the Olathe School District Superintendent, for its Superintendent of the Year, from among three finalists who included Glen...

The Listening Tour and the Other Party

Senator Jerry Moran was recently out and about for another of his listening tours. The listening tour is an event scripted and perfected long...

A Court’s ruling, and footings in history

Several times over the past half-century, the Kansas courts, including the Supreme Court, have repeated a fundamental message: The quality of education in a...

Smoky Valley Men’s Choir October 29 and December 9

The Smoky Valley Men’s Choir will next perform on Sunday, Oct. 29 at the annual Assaria Lutheran Church Evening of Song. The event emcee...

The strength in ceaseless variations

There are many ways to look at the term Swedishness. A small Lindsborg group several years ago considered this term during one Hyllningsfest, and...

A glimpse at ‘Swedishness’

When we moved to Lindsborg 16 years ago one of the first things that struck us about the town was what some people called...

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