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Lee Pitts



I know a thing or two about living without electricity because our formerly bankrupt electric company has had a hard time keeping the juice...

Save People, Not Flies

According to the bureaucrats "an endangered species is any fish, plant or wildlife which is in danger of extinction throughout all or part of...

The Least Feast

In my neck of the woods every Saturday and Sunday from January through March is reserved for someone's branding. So when it came time...

New Old Movies (Best Of)

Have you noticed that there are no decent movies being shown on free TV channels lately. If you want to see a good movie...

Mr. Chips

It's no accident that in my dictionary the word "help" comes after "hemorrhoids" and before "Hell" as the following story will illustrate. The man I...

Mind Your Manners

Many people celebrated the hundredth anniversary last year of Emily Post's book called Etiquette, but not me. The book was published in 1922, and...

Really Good Bad Ideas

I was talking with my buddy Ralph who lives in "America's Outback" and he was complaining because he could not participate in the trend...

Snob Or Slob

Welcome to this edition of the latest craze in entertainment... the home game that is sweeping the nation called  Snob or Slob? In this...

Grandfather’s Collection (Best Of)

  Sunday's have always been special to me. When I was a kid they were for shooting pool at my Grandfather's house while Grandma...

American Eulogy

A common theme that dominates the conversation of most people my age is that they are glad they'll be decomposing six feet under the...

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