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Lee Pitts


Skinner’s Magic Show

It's getting really hard to find good help in agriculture, especially milkers, shepherds and cowboys. It's getting so hard in the dairy industry that...

The Middle Man

I was born at the wrong time but then, my timing has always been off. At the tender age of 21 I was hired...

The Big Pink Blob

I'm a big Temple Grandin fan and in one of her articles Temple explained how a sudden scary event in an animal's life, when...

Stuck On June (Best Of)

On the wall of my tack room is a calendar that is only in season one month in twelve. As I write this it's...

Morbid Affairs

Recently a telemarketer phoned to discuss what he called my "end of life options". Subsequently, I have left very specific instructions for my wife....

Proud Of His Pride

"What is the difference between a cowboy and a buckaroo?" you ask. A Great Basin buckaroo drives a beat-up old pickup with a fully tooled...


I'm really hard on myself. Always have been. I spend a lot of time thinking about all the mistakes I've made in my life;...

What’s In Your Pockets?

You can tell a lot about people by what's in their pockets. You might find a horseshoe nail in a farrier's pocket, a pipe...

Herding Cats (Best Of)

The United Kingdom of Great Britain has been responsible for exporting many significant ideas and objects around the world during their long and colorful...

Off On The Wrong Foot

When I was hired as a field editor for a prominent livestock weekly I was 21 and greener than a gourd. I'd only been...

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