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Lee Pitts


A Life Well Lived

I am just a humble human who never saw a Star Wars movie, never drove faster than 85 miles per hour, never rode a...

Hard Of Earring

I always wondered which would be worse, losing one's eyesight or losing one's hearing? I can now answer that question definitely because I'm gradually...

Don’t Bet On The Blood

I continue to be amazed by the differences in people and animals that are closely related. For example, one of my good friends was...

A State Of Confusion

"The weather is almost always something other than normal." Andy Rooney I guess I'm what the looney left calls a "climate denier" as I don't...

Pet Peeves (Best Of)

America has gone to the dogs. 28% of the people in this country don't like cats. Only 4% don't like dogs. I don't like cats...

Words Matter

It's been my general observation that people who have something really good to sell aren't the best at marketing, and the people who are...

Heifer Dancing

It seems to me that each succeeding generation is waiting longer to get married and have kids. My wife had a great-grandmother who got...

Get Outta’ Jail Free

Well, the weather changed again today. Today we reached 68 degrees while yesterday it was 65. That's global warming for you. (Had the temperature...

A One Man Ban

I suppose you heard that Amazon founder Jeff Bezos made a commitment to give 30 million dollars over a five year period to North...

Thrown For A Loophole (Best Of)

(1) Federal Tax: If your income was less than $3.75 in 2024 remit 15%. If it was greater than $3.75 but less than $39.99...

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Creamed soups and etc

Soil and Drainage

“Its Here”

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