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Lee Pitts


Ima Lame Brain

You know how some women lovingly refer to their husbands as darling, dear, honey bunch or creampuff? My wife uses none of those sappy...

Community Property

I was the announcer for a large video livestock auction for over 20 years until my health made it impossible for me to continue....

The Legend of El Diablo

Sometimes oil field workers and cowboys get along, sometimes they don't. I've played both roles and have come to the conclusion that the degree...

Who Is This Guy?

We don't have many mirrors in our home, for obvious reasons, but recently I saw a reflection of this stranger in the window of...

Gomer (Best Of)

If I could speak "cow talk" the animal I would most like to interview would be Gomer. I imagine the interview would go something...

Tough Love

To: Our Adorable Son From: Your Loving Parents RE; Living Arrangements Dearest Darling, It dawned on your mother and I that you just celebrated your 29th birthday and...

Food Futures (Best Of)

Floating around in my empty head I have more get rich quick schemes than a six term congressman. I was recently discussing my latest...


I'd like to congratulate my friend Carole on her retirement from clerking three and four livestock auctions a week for over 50 years. Oops,...

Cowboy, Heal Thyself

Recently our health insurance company switched us from an HMO to a PPO, whatever that is. But the medical group my great doctor is...

Home Court Advantage

Most purebred bull and female sales are held on the ranch because breeders want the customers to meet the family, see the cowherd and...

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