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Lee Pitts


A One Man Steer

The first animal I ever owned all by myself, or in this case owned me, was the meanest show steer in existence. I named...

The Vegan Solution

A popular idea floating around the vegan community is that we could solve the whole climate change dilemma (hoax) overnight if all the world's...

In The Doghouse

There has been a rather large influx of people into the cattle business in my state recently. The new folks want to be stockmen...

Burning Questions

I know the cowboy and cowgirl community looks to me as a stylish trendsetter who is always in fashion. As a man of few...

Buyer Beware

Recently I called a plumber friend to order a toilet thinking I'd get it cheaper than buying it from a big box store or...

How To Stay Married

The other day I saw one of those bikes that looks like the riders are laying down while they peddle. Only this bike was...

Hard of Earring

Two recently retired road agent ring men who'd put too much mileage on their odometers were overheard at a bull sale. "I'm going to sue...

Who Done It? (Best Of)

At first glance I thought I'd been the victim of some radical animal rights group. I'd been away for a couple days and when...

Glittering Generalities

The best writing advice I ever got was to avoid “glittering generalities.” A good example is, "A dog is a man’s best friend." It's...

Unhappy Hour

If you're a country music fan, like me, you've no doubt heard the song, "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off". Well, my wife doesn't...

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