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Lee Pitts


Your Tax Dollars At Work

I don't mind paying my share of taxes but when I see what my tax dollars are spent on it makes me madder than...

The Tinkerer

I'm a tinkerer. Please note I said tinkerer, not thinker. BIG difference. Before I tell you about some things I've built from scrap I...

The War On Food

Caren Cowan, owner and publisher of the New Mexico Stockman, always offers up a lot of food for thought in her monthly column. Speaking...

Word For Word (Best Of)

Because they may be offensive, the L.A. Times banned the use of the words "deaf", "alien", and "handicapped". This is the same newspaper that...

A Lesser Man

As I look back on my nearly 73 years I have two big regrets, one is that I never served my country in the...

A Lotta Dough

We were in the middle of a bell-ringer of a bull sale with one guy in my section bidding on every bull that came...

Which Is Which?

I've never been a rancher but I'm proud to say that for most of my life I've been a cattleman. How can that be?...

Rat Hats

Sometimes I collect things because of how strange they are. Take my Stetson nutria hat, for example. Please! Ever since I was eight years old...

I Quit

Dear Mr. and Mrs. America, I'm not going to apologize because I broke the "woke" rules again or may have "misgendered" you in referring to...

Her High-Ness (Best Of)

Once upon a time in a fairy tale alternate universe, the Grand Champion of the Royal Cattle Show was proclaimed the "Queen of the...

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