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Lee Pitts


Eatin’ Feed

Legend has it that as a five year old I ate a common garden snail. I don't know why but I assume it was...

Playing Ketchup

I live on the edge of a small town whose only fast food is a Subway. The void has been filled by food trucks....

Pet Tricks

I've always had an interest in magic and consider myself a better than average prestidigitator. I also consider myself a better than average animal...

I Have My Reasons

Using a set of reasons like I used to give on my high school and college livestock judging teams I will now appraise your...

In The Wrong Hands (Best Of)

To me, cell phones have become a typical example of the physical and moral decay in this world of ours and I knew this...

Indecent Exposure

Instead of fun and games this week I'd like to write about what I call "the outside disease" because most of the people I've...

An Accidental Greenie

When people come to my house for the first time they ask for my address so they can program it into their GPS. I...

Hard Roads And Easy Streets

I've always wondered, when does a town become a city? Is there a magic number like 10,000 or 100,000? I may not know when...

From Aardvarks To Zebras

I don't usually do obituaries but I'd like to make an exception in this case because the deceased is, and was, a childhood hero...

Do Cows Know It’s Christmas (Best Of)

I'd like you to settle an argument for me concerning a question that's been nagging me for quite some time. It is a deep...

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