Take Extra Precautions When Cooking for Large Groups
As the holidays approach, a K-State food scientist discusses quantity cooking food safety.
OLATHE, Kan. – Food is...
Researchers at the University of Georgia tested a number of common
houseplants for their ability to remove organic volatiles from indoor
environments. The indoor pollutants included...
Winter can be a difficult time for strawberries in Kansas. Plants need
time to become adjusted to cold weather and will gradually become more cold
Patent-pending technology has shown success in disease resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus and triticum mosaic virus, among others.
MANHATTAN, Kan. – Wheat diseases caused...
By: Scott Eckert, County Extension Agent, Horticulture
Have you ever accidentally "weed whipped" a young tree with a string
trimmer? One cure for this is mulching. ...
Cold Temperatures Expected To Affect Wheat in Kansas
Drought-stressed plants more likely to suffer from cold temperatures.
MANHATTAN, Kan. – The sudden sharp drop in temperatures...