Anheuser-Busch says it has ended its practice of cutting the tails of the famous Clydesdale horses used in Budweiser commercials and at events after...
Federal anti-horse slaughter legislation, known as the SAFE Act, H.R. 3475, reached a critical political threshold with a majority of the U.S. House publicly...
Why do donkeys kill coyotes, while horses often run from them?
Donkeys have a formidable reputation in the animal kingdom, and it's not just because...
Cold weather rapidly multiplies problems on the ranch.
Exactly how much is too complex to figure for one who barely passed his college algebra course....
Dealing with post-traumatic stress and depression can be hard to combat, especially for those who have served our country.
A partnership with organizations aims to...
“What kind of mineral do you feed your cattle?”
“We don’t feed any,” responded the naïve high school agriculture senior interning at Charles Cowsert’s Monarch...
The horse is a prey animal, relying on their senses to assess their environment.
Prey species are designed for scanning the environment compared to picking...
Moving panels from pasture to pasture for penning cattle is a physically demanding task for ranchers.
Looking back seven decades and longer ago, cattle owners...