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Debbie Dance Uhrig


The Covered Dish: Creamed Peas

I never thought to write a recipe for creamed peas, just never thought.  A few weeks back a guest asked me if I would teach...

The Covered Dish: Cream of Tomato Soup, (Red Soup)

This week I am featuring what I am hungry for, fresh tomato soup.  I had big plans to feature breaded tomatoes.  I thought the recipe...

The Covered Dish: Coconut Blender Pie

By: Debbie Dance Uhrig If you get in a quandary about a dessert this spring I highly recommend the delicious blender pies.  Place everything except the...

The Covered Dish: Tomato Grits

By: Debbie Dance Uhrig In a salute to the southern states I’m featuring my tomato grits this week.  There’s nothing more southern than a plate of...

The Covered Dish: Jilly’s Baked Beans

This week we’re reaching for one of my favorite dishes, baked beans.  For many many years I never attempted to write down a bean recipe. ...

The Covered Dish: Upside down German chocolate cake

Yum, I say, yum.  You are going to love this delicious cake recipe.  My good friend P.J. Beisswenger gave it to me a couple of...

The Covered Dish: Enchiladas

We’ve been on a wild ride this week with just about every type of weather possible in the Ozark Mountains.  We’ve had lots of time...

The Covered Dish: Margarita Pie

By: Debbie Dance Uhrig Just a few weeks ago I spoke about a new margarita dessert that I was writing.  I debuted the Margarita Pie at...

The Covered Dish: Smoked Turkey Salad with warm bacon dressing

This has become one of my favorite salads to prepare as a main entrée for my family.  You will note in the directions that I...

The Covered Dish: White Castle Copycats

By: Debbie Dance Uhrig As I sit down to pen this week’s column I have soooo….many projects going its absolute chaos! An 8am business meeting, two...

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